Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes!!!!

I couldn't have put a better sign up this morning.  Things you cannot control, smoke when you are trying to cook and egg and it sets of the fire alarm that has been on for what seems like a half hour;  it sure is a noisy apparatus.   I threw the eggs out, can't eat them or anything for awhile....whew.....I guess this makes me official now as this happens more often than not;   wonder why the smoke filter doesn't work better.  

How lovely.

How lucky I am.

Granddaughter Erin sending a bit of love.  

The first of July, a new month, a summer month, heat, and more heat;  think we are in for a good hot summer  if this past week is a harbinger of things to come.    I miss the Brookings foggy mornings.  I miss the beaches.   I took a walk around town yesterday when Christine dropped me off so I could visit the antique shop on the corner.  A huge store filled with all those things I gave away, threw away and am not going to collect again....well I do have to replace a cookie jar as I miss my big one that housed cookies and crackers and kept them crisp and tasty.    I spent a good hour browsing and saw so many lovely old things.   I then took a walk outside to be at the meeting point where Christine would pick me up.   It was hot and sunny so I walked over to the ferry landing and looked over the marina.  There are lots of beautiful boats out there and no one seems interested in taking them out .   Probably at work and waiting for a weekend.   There are a few sail boats on the move and they look very nice sailing along.    There are huge Navy ships over across the bay waiting to be dismantled.  There was a sign to read which told a bit of the history of Port Orchard, something to do with a sea captain and his boat blowing up in the harbor.  I walked to the curb and stood looking around to see what else I could see, not realizing I was standing at a cross walk and traffic stopped to let me cross.   I finally realized they were waiting for me so I waved them on and wondered if they were saying nice things about me.     I finally did cross over the walkway and went over to where there are benches you can sit on.  It was much to hot so I walked to the shady side of the building and waited for my ride.  A young black man came by heading for the ferry .  He thought he'd ask for money for food .   A lady stopped her truck to ask if I needed help as I stood holding up a building,.and offered to call or give me a lift...nice, but I was really fine.   I wonder if I looked lost or just very old and needy.   Chris and Mike arrived and we walked around the corner to a huge restaurant for some lunch.    I had a cup of chowder filled with salmon, fish and clams.  It was delicious.  Next time I'll order a whole bowl full and meet Christine at the restaurant.  

So if you are standing on a corner waiting for a ride, just smile and many things will happen to brighten your day.    Today, I offered to read to Vinny , one of the elderly gentlemen who cannot read until he has his eye operation.   He has been wanting to read "The Winds of War" so I offered to read to him.   We will try it out today and see how it goes.    I'll let you know.    So go, do your good deed for the day. Make yourself useful and you will feel content.  Kindness does that.    Hugs to all.


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