Friday, July 31, 2015


Latest News . . .UGH!!

The original 'green' house

Cape Blanco and the Music Festival, fifteen hundred folks expected this weekend.   Jock is helping out so hope to hear a little about it when it is all over and done with.

Last years crowd.   

It is going to be a hot weekend for the folks who want to hear music in the open;   nice to be young and energetic with a desire to go out into a huge crowd and listen to music.   I am the odd man out as I prefer to sit in the comfort of my chair and listen to the music of my choice with or without company.  I must be getting old.

The end of July, didn't take long to get here.   A new month coming up and if it is like the usual August it will be hot.   summer at its best.    Our few days of cool has gone by the wayside and the heat is back.   The fan has been doing double duty and working good so no complaints in that department.    It is almost four a.m., and the coffee pot is on.  I woke up and read awhile but sleep is evasive so I might as well blog and check out my e-mail.    Someone may have sent me a message.  If not, I'll go sulk over my coffee and think about having something to go with it.    I'd like to make some blueberry pancakes but then I might set the alarm off and you know my  name would be 'mud' if I did that at four a.m.   

There is not a lot of new news around here this week.   I read to Vinnie yesterday and he tells me he is having his eyes worked on, a cataract operation today on one eye, then later the other eye needs attention.    He will probably want to read to himself although he tells me he is enjoying relaxing and listening.    Of course that doesn't last long as when he hears a few words that jog his Navy days he is off and telling tales  about way back when.    He has a retentive mind and loves to tell a tale or two.   Don joins us now and then but never stays long.   He has a lot on his mind as his wife is in the hospital wing and has Alzheimer. They have been married sixty years and it has to be a very sad ending to a whole lifetime of togetherness.   One of the many stories of the folks who have reached a ripe old age.    I think that we all feel 'if I had known I would live this long,. I would have taken better care of  myself."   a truism if I ever heard one.    

So, listen when the old folks talk.  They may know something you do not.   They may be able to give you a hint or two about taking care of yourself.  They can tell you from experience what happens when you do not eat right or exercise, and they all have a tale to tell about feet . . . but most of all they will tell you to use your you need to cultivate your sense of humor  . . . yes, learn to laugh, especially at yourself .   Start your new month with a plan to take much better care of yourself so you can become a wise old person with a ready smile.    Time does fly , especially when your having fun.  Most of all be caring, sharing, and don't forget ' a smile is your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day';, la, la......Hugs to all. 

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