Thursday, July 16, 2015


Tip Toe Through the Tulips;, la, la......aren't they beautiful . . . So bright and alive no wonder they are a spring flower, one of natures wonders.  How lucky we are for such natural beauty surrounding us. 

Okay you young ones...your day is coming.   Work at keeping that memory sharp.  

Pictures from Andrea and Bob who just spent two weeks with their grandchildren Alana and Caleb.   They did plenty of special things at home but going off for a trip was the highlight of two glorious weeks.   

Grandp Bob doing a bit of looking;   wonder what they got to see . . . bet they all had tales to tell when they got home.

Vacation is over for Caleb and Alana . . . time to start thinking about returning home and get ready for a new school year.  How fast they are growing up.    They just had a memory building time and oh the tales they will be telling their parents.   I'm betting the parents will be thinking next year it will be their turn to join in on the vacation and join in the fun.

Niece, Mary Beth, took a turn around London.   She had a fantastic trip and went on to Scotland before returning to Rhode Island.  There is Big Ben looking at you.

You heard about the beheadings...well here is the spot at the Tower of London where it took place.

This is the Royal chamber where the new Royal baby stayed.  Wonder if it is still used. . .

Vacations are such fun.   I'd like to be going off seeing all the sights and hearing all the sounds of travel.   I always wanted to go to Rome but our travels took us to the northern part of Italy and sadly didn't include Rome.    What I did see of Italy was wonderful and all the other highlights of the trip remain in my gypsy soul.   

Vinnie came with his book.  It had been lost for a few days amidst his belongings.    We read for an hour and the "Winds of War:" is an excellent read.    Vinnie was in a talkative mood and would digress quickly into memories of his Navy days which sometimes brings about 'family' memories and extends the reading time.   I think, like most of the older folks, he is lonely .  He did say the men at the table had some gossiping about 'us';  ha, ha,   jealousy prevails although they have all been invited to join the read if they wanted to.   I guess gossip is the name of the game at any age.  I was surprised to have become an interest of gossip;   leave it to me. . . smile.     A good think I didn't invite Vinnie to my apartment to read or I'd have a reputation to live down at this  nonagenarian time of life.   I'll have to wear my bright red sweat shirt and maybe I'll hear them singing "The Lady in Red, the fellows are crazy about the lady in red."    Where was all this vamping in my younger days?   Always  a late bloomer!!

But. . . I did visit Rose, our lady who will be one hundred, if she makes it, as I see a change every day and it is not good.   Her daughter and son-in-law are going to be gone for several days so she wont be getting out to the casino this week.   After having the Wednesday Moon Doggie hamburger with Chris, I went to Rose's apartment and played a game of Rummy Cube.  I haven't played that in a very long time but it came back quickly.    She decided to bake a lemon pie.  She used to be the baker at her daughter's Tea Room and made all the pies and cakes.   She thought she would try one more time and believe me she hasn't lost her touch.  The pie was delicious.   She said it took a lot out of her though and she wouldn't be going back to baking.   Sad, as she really knows how to put a desert together.    I gave her the other half of my saved hamburger which was monstrous in size.  How folks can eat a whole one or even a second one is beyond me.   The sweet potato fries were delicious so Rose is going to have it later today.  

Get busy and bake a special treat for those you love.    If I didn't set off the alarm every time I think of using the stove, I'd make some apple turnovers and indulge to bulge.   Some things are just to good to give up.    Be good to yourself today, a bit of loving doesn't hurt you as it stores up more loving to share later in the day.    Look around and see who is in need of a hug and 'let em have it';    share YOU with those you meet  and greet today.    Be a 'lover' as only you can be.    Smile it is great exercise for the facial muscles.    Frown and you get deep groves that will never disappear.    Be a lover!!  Hus to all.

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