Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Yeah!!! Around 1941 if remember correctly.   Well, inside you do feel younger but each year you add seems to bring that number closer to reality . . but age is a number so it is up to you to keep that inner self perking along at high school level, or going backwards towards kindergarten might be fun.

I do. I do. I love the sound of rain.  I've been trying to find a way to tell what the rain sounds like and it is impossible. 

Hey there Christine, you wondered what you could do with your book collection.....a pretty clever bed frame might be the answer.

Lavender Fields

Here is friend, Angie, with armful of lavender. A beautiful picture of a very beautiful young lady.

Lunching with three lovely ladies was interesting as they were all 'into' food, so the conversation revolved around the good, the bad and the ugly. What makes you fat . . . what makes your body run like a smooth engine . . . and the consensus of opinion seems to find the prepackaged foods our enemy with all the chemicals and fillers.   Nothing was mentioned about the institution food we were eating and that must be filled with all kinds of interesting hidden delights to make a little extra fat in the body.  Although yesterday we had seafood salad which always taste good, just don't ask what that imitation crab is. Um . . . I wonder what it really is. I am not going to find out as I enjoy the taste and it satisfies my palate.   I wanted to remind the ladies that at a certain age all figures, both men and women, have a tendency to turn to fat . . . it is hereditary and there isn't much you can do about it, besides a little fat seems to help you retain your mental abilities ...or not....who knows???   The 'shadow' knows and he is not handing out food intake advice right now.  Dr. Sullivan, not related, and although I am called that on occasion and it is not me;  said . . to retain your best figure, you cut down on salt, sugar and fats, but not out, as the body needs a little of all of it to survive.   He told me that seventy years ago but I didn't ask how much I should cut down;  not enough as Katrina The  Great has been in 'good' shape for a long time.....barrel shape is good!

So today treat yourself to a special menu.   Figure out what it is your really enjoy and fix it for your dinner.   Do leave room for desert as that is one of the best parts of eating in or out.  I'd love to make some hot apple turnovers but I would probably set the alarm off again. Maybe I can talk my daughters into using their stove. Baking is fun and the results well worth the time and the clean up mess.   Think about and plan your favorite dinner and invite family and friends over for a treat.   I bet they will bring a hug, a smile and even a desert. Call and find out.   Hugs to all.

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