Thursday, July 2, 2015


Good Morning.    I have been on the computer for some time this morning trying to pull up a picture or two to make you smile.   I have a few beauties but I cannot get the program  to work.   I cannot tell you what has transpired over the last couple of days as daughter Christine has come over to rescue me.  The computer has , or at least seems to have, a mind of its own.    I will tell her that the computer is acting up and not working, yet when she sits down and adds her magic fingers to the key board all goes just fine.   I think the computer 'has it in for me'. . .and  I am so gentle with the keys.  Throwing it out the window seems to have more merit on a daily basis.

July First turned out to be a good day, hotter than hell as the old expression goes, but we survived are working over time and the coolest place in our building is the dining area, up on the third floor.    There was a special musical at two o'clock and we were entertained by a family of musicians, all violins and piano.   They were In the mood to play patriotic music so we got to sing along and tap our feet.   

Prior to this entertainment, I met up with Vinney and his "Winds of War" book.   We had a discussion one day at lunch about what books we would like to read and this was one of his favorites.   He told me he thought there were three books and he knew there had been as many movies made from them.  He said he couldn't read until after he has an eye operation which would be coming up soon.  I offered to read to him, like I used to read to Russell in Brookings a year or so ago.    He wasn't quite sure that he might look 'less masculine' being read to;  or maybe I wouldn't  read properly, although he didn't say that out loud, but he did say he'd like to try listening.  He didn't say he was going to test me but some masculine ex-Navy men have a way of 'putting a dame down'.    So, we met in the lounge area, got comfortable and I read for almost two hours.   He was in pure heaven.  He had more comments and thoughts pouring out of him and laughed out loud.   So we will meet for a shorter session today.  We will call a halt over the weekend and then find some time again next week.   

So if you like to read, think about sharing some time with someone who is unable to read anymore.   Give them a treat and verbal hugs as you spend a little extra time with them.   There is a lot of 'need' out there, one way or another.   All you have to do is think, one good deed, and you can make the world go around for someone you like , someone you love, and some one who just needs a bit of both.   Share YOU with someone today.   Hugs to all.

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