Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday ---TGIF

A serious undertaking and one we fumble through without blueprints and survive. 

We all know this feeling.

Well we made it through the week and all survived.   The computer has been acting strange and I think it may have something to do with our heat wave.   It acts temperamental, but that is not saying anything new or different.   It acts the way it wants to whether I hit the right keys or not.    The picture process is not working right yet, be patient, I may get back to normal yet.   I started off this morning with tunes in my head . . . "In the Good Old Summertime";    "In the cool, cool, cool of the morning:;    I know 'evening', but allow me a bit of artistic ability this early in the day.    "Heat wave, we're having a heat wave: . . . the door is open, the fan is off, no buzzing noises this early in the morning.    the outside yard is a parking lot so I am seeing trucks coming through, people parking cars as they head to the hospital building and start their daily chores.    When all is over and done with, silence prevails and it seems there is no breeze out there this morning, not a leaf turning, nor a bird in sight.   It wont last but it feels good at the moment.  

The reading session went well with Vinnie yesterday and "The Winds of War" is well written.   We stayed up in the dining area where it is much cooler than the rest of the building.   Word has gotten around that I am reading and another man might join us next week.   He came over to say he never heard of a 'reader' and wasn't sure if he would like it;   well, he better make up his mind as I am not turning back to page one. It will be interesting to see how many will want to sit and listen.   Vinnie gets all excited about the Navy passages and digresses to memories of his days in the Navy.   He delights in telling the differences between the ships and the officers aboard their ships..    He finds reasons to laugh out loud and told me he was enjoying our sessions which is a good thing.    It will be interesting to see how many come around   I'll let you know.

We had a family dinner at the local Mexican restaurant and came out of there with big boxes of left overs.   They serve huge plates of food, be it a lot of lettuce, but their intent is good.    The Tostada was very good when you got through the mounds of lettuce  but, yeah the proverbial but, not as good as our Pancho restaurant in Brookings.   Last time we ate here I told you their tacos were better than Pancho but they have a way to go with the tostadas.  It was nice to have a tall glass of ice water without the 'taste' we get with the tap water here.   It really is metallic and probably will kill any bacteria that dares to try and reach the inner system.   It does take a while to get used to tap water wherever you go  I am not complaining, honestly, just comparing and missing Panchos.   My proverbial 'but' gets me in hot water every time.   I am not complaining but pointing out the difference in a personal taste of food.   I love to cook.  I have always cooked.  sometimes a 'jean' dish that everyone would avoid like the plague but some dishes come out just perfect and then there are 'jean' dishes.   So then you would hear that was delicious 'but' and would have or could have been better 'if' you added or subtracted this ingredient or that.....some folks have really 'loud' taste buds.

So today, take yourself out and have a lunch or dinner and enjoy every bite.    Take a friend with you.    Make sure you plan a fattening desert ;  strawberry short cake comes to mind.    If you pass someone with a frown on their face, grin at them and make them grin back, it is good exercise for the facial muscles.    Enjoy your seconds and be sure you use them wisely today.    Spread a bit of cheer, a walk in hug and a chuckle or two.    Hugs to all.

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