Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July. . .

Happy Birthday Ameirca!   

Words to live by. 

In memory of our poet Russ who would and could spout poetry that he created with loving thoughts and a beautiful smile.   He was unfortunate to become a victim of Alzheimer and the word faded but not the smile.  

A truism.  Well, not everyone likes wine but those that do can tell you it frees the men in their lives to make good use of the duct tape.  I remember having to wait weeks for a small fix-it job to be done; too bad I didn't know that a glass of wine might have been the incentive to move things along a bit faster.    Complaining didn't work.    Come to think of it, a glass of wine sets a twinkle in the eye, a spark to the libido and maybe a little romance . . . if you set that mood, you can bet every job you need to have done will get done.  Give it a try and see if it works.

Here it is the Fourth of July . . . a hot one. . . fireworks may or may not be set off in different parts of our country.   Here in the Pacific Northwest it is in a high rating for fires.    We had fire trucks out in front as someone must have thrown a cigarette butt into the flower bed where the large hedge like bushes grow and it went up like a tinder box somewhere around midnight.  It is so sad to see the black bushes as you drive out.    I did my celebrating yesterday as daughter Christine drove us to Shelton, about an hour away towards the big canal.  There is an Indian Casino there and I wanted to treat son Michael to a buffet and a little play in  air-conditioning.    We headed back to Port Orchard early, and a good thing we did, as the traffic heading for the holiday weekend was bumper to bumper for miles.    The traffic around here is horrendous anyway but for a holiday and a weekend heading to a place where there are summer cottages and a massive canal to play  in...traffic doesn't even count.  We headed for Pats house where there was potato salad in the making and some Alaskan Halibut on the grill along with some fresh asparagus.    I didn't think, after a buffet breakfast, we would have room for any more food, but Halibut cannot be ignored.   YUM!!!!  Jock, you would have loved every bite.    Wish we could join you for that twenty-five pound fish you just caught.    Freeze a little, we may make it yet, or you can always bring some with you   Smile!!
The computer is doing strange things again this morning so I am going to love you and leave you for this holiday.   Stay safe and be careful with the fire crackers.    Enjoy the holiday and do watch the parade if there is one in your town.    Salute the flag and be proud and take time out to be 'nice' today;  someone needs a hug, a few kind words, a light touch as only YOU can give them.    Be generous.   Hugs to all.


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