Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Fried Sharon Quinn is at it again, a new fun picture, a sort of lazy crazy day of summer. . . . heat isn't a problem with these guys.   I'd say they were having a great time.

We are all very experienced!!

Yep!   Every day brings that thought to mind.    I am amazed at how little I have learned and how much more there is to learn.   

You probably noticed I had my day off yesterday; for some reason it was Sunday morning, maybe because Patricia and I went grocery shopping first thing like we used to do on a Sunday morning in Brookings.   I soon learned it was Monday and it proved to be another hot day so I got to watch the last of "Cedar Cove" season and now have to wait for a new season.   Pat made her chicken enchiladas and we watched a Nicole Kidman movie which proved to be confusing and ugly.  You would think the Hollywood writers would come up with something more interesting than abuse.    There is enough of it in this world without making a movie about it.    They just don't make good movies anymore and haven't for a very long time.     I remember a time when you went to a movie to get away from the on gong problems of the world and enjoyed an uplifting musical or comedy.  Hollywood was in its heyday and they worked hard at producing movies the patrons could hardly wait to see.    I suppose the same goes today when people flock to see the trash they put out there now.    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...how true.    Well, I can't speak for everyone, just me, and I can't go to a dark movie house and hunker down , even with  a bag of popcorn, as it is dark and cozy and I fall asleep before the ads are over.   So I cannot get a badge for being a good movie fan, those days are long gone.  

So today, make it special and find something to do that will brighten your spirit.    Share you with those you love .   Life isn't really about how much you really know, it's about  using what you do know in making your seconds count .   Bringing good cheer and laughter to family and friends is a special gift of sharing what you have learned . . . live life, laugh at lot and don't forget love makes the world go around.  Hugs to all.

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