Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Yes, we do.  This was on Facebook and I wanted to share it with you , just not on Facebook.    I got in trouble this week with a warning on the computer for putting on some pictures that I should have given credit to.  I don't always find the credits so I usually say I got them on an attachment.    Something to do with foreign rules. . . haven't had that happen before.

This picture was taken in Glacier National Park by Department of Interior photographer..    Solitude at its best.   

Blue Plankton....Bioluminescent Plankton.  A National Geographical photograph of the Island Larak in Iran.      Not a sight we see very often.
Here are Angie's Queso and Mac.    Queso had an eye problem this week and had to go to the vet.   He has been a great patient and doing good, it will take a while to get back to playing.

Hump day, a good day to figure out what you need to do to finish up work 'stuff' so you can go and play.    We had the Silver-tones sing a long yesterday afternoon.   A group of ladies who delight in singing.    They music yesterday was Western, some of the old tunes from way back when.    It is fun to hum along and every now and then a word or two pops into the brain.   "I'm an old cowhand, from the Rio Grand, and I learn to ride before I learned to stand" . . .  la, la, la, la.....
One of the ladies dressed up as a lady of the night with a bright red bra over her clothing and a boa to twirl.  One of the gentleman dressed in a cowboy hat twirled his cigar as he flirted with her and visa verse.    They were a lively two some and  then another lady and gentleman did a waltz for us.   It is good to see the humor and energy coming from the grand-folks and the smiles all around as we watched.    MaryAnn was visiting with her daughter.  She is the lady that had a fall a few months back I the dining room and broke her hip.  She has been in the hospital wing and has done a great job in getting back on her feet.    It was her birthday so we all got to wish her well and give her a hug.    Hopefully she will be back in her apartment before much longer.   Another lady reads some of the funny stories she finds and has all of us laughing out loud.   It was a fun break and it was nice to see a good turnout.  They make the rounds once a month and practice in between, their good deed and we appreciate their efforts.  I think I told you all about our last session so I will probably only tell you we had a sing a long and not go into details unless they put on an extravaganza.
I'm off to shop a little this morning so have to love you and leave you.   I have to have my coffee to wake up and the get dressed and get down stairs for my ride.    I am taking Patricia out for a pancake, although I would love to have made blueberry pancakes here but know the alarm would probably wake everyone up . . .  that alarm would be sure to go off.   I am hoping to be able to find a way to 'vent' doors, windows, put on the fan, and stand by the     You just cannot walk away for a second.   
So, today take a friend or family member out for a pancake , a latte, or a donut.    Spend some time with them and bask in their sunshine for a little while.    If you pass a church, with open doors, light a candle for so many reasons you can think of...we have an over abundance of needs these days.    We found a church here but the doors were locked;  a shame, as I never heard of a locked church door before.    I guess a Church is not a safe haven anymore.    My, the times have changed.
Do your best to stay bright and cheerful, make everyone wonder what that smile is all about . . . and it could be catching.  Hugs to all.

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