Tuesday, July 21, 2015


"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do. . . I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. . . It wont be a stylish marriage , I can't afford a carriage, but you'll look sweet upon a seat of a bicycle built for two"........la, la, daisy, daisy........I bet you will hum that little tune more than once today.

Granddaughter Erin took on a huge responsibility of setting up a camp for the deaf children in her little area of Hawaii.  She did a fantastic job and the children had a fun time.   Mother's wrote that their child had the best time of his or her life.  Erin gave credit to her helpers who are more than willing to try it again and maybe a bit longer next year.   Yes, we are all very proud of her and delight in her courage and strength.

We all cannot jump into Lake Tahoe and cool down but this little bear decided to go for it. 

I've heard this one before but it makes me laugh at how the male and female size each other up.   You would think by now they would have a clue on how to get along.   A little thoughtfulness, a bit of whimsy, a lot of love would solve the problem.

A picture from the Old Woman's Garden ;  a fierce bear ready to pounce.   Isn't nature wonderful?  All you have to do is take a walk in the woods and feast your eyes and ears to a wondrous treat.  Pick a few blueberries while you are there.

Well Monday went by quickly, the early morning cool earned our weatherman kind thoughts until late morning when a sudden heat wave returned for the rest of the day.   "Liar, liar, pants on fire."  Well, that is what thoughts were running around our sweating bodies.    It finally cooled down about nine p.m. so our sleep was not in jeopardy.  Right now it is actually cold in here and it feels great.  

I read to Vinnie yesterday and he was in a talkative mood.  One of the other men joined us for a short while so the conversation took on a much different pathway.   This man, whose name I still do not know, told us about his wife being in the hospital wing next door to us.  She is an Alzheimer patient and has reached the stage where she is becoming cantankerous.  She gives him a tongue lashing every morning, but he has learned to ignore it and remember the good days and the four children they had together.   It has to be heart breaking to lose ones mate to Alzheimer.   A life time of building to end with an empty mind, how sad for her and for all of them.    We need to find a cure for all of these debilitating diseases.  Keep that in mind when it is donation time for those who are trying to find a cure.   I remember our poet laureate from the Brookings Garden Club who spouted poetry as soon as he greeted you, then, before long, fell victim to Alzheimer and lost the ability to remember one word of the poems he delighted in sharing with each one of us.      Remember 'there but by the grace of go I' , help where you can. 

As for helping, treat yourself to your favorite breakfast this morning.  Take time to sit and enjoy every bite.   We get into bad habits of eating and running and wonder why we have so many health problems.    Try and remember 'haste makes waste' and rushing your breakfast or going without a nutritious meal can mean 'waist . . lots of it.   Someone once said you should eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a Pauper for dinner.   That makes sense as you need a good  hardy breakfast to get going; a decent lunch to keep going and then a small tasty bit to end your day.   I think Oprah said she was told not to eat anything after seven p.m. . . . that is good advice if you go to bed by nine , but if you are a night hawk and go  to bed at eleven or later, then you are bound to be hungry and sneak out to the refrigerator for a little snack...of course it is always an ice cream bar or leftover something delicious that is fattening....how else would it be!!!  The best thing to do is to eat when you are hungry and  make wise choices.  A little sweet will mellow you out to be the sweetest  person  you can be;  we all need that bit of 'honey' to make our world go around.    That contemptuous word 'exercise' is what balances the whole deal so get up out of that chair and walk  or run if you can.....run...I used to do that.     '''Sit" fits me more these days . . . never knew I would turn out to be a 'lap dog' . . . oh well, somebody has to perfect sitting and I am doing a great job.  Go, be sweet, kind, considerate, and moveable.   Remember to spread a smile and a wave around today. . . no, you can't use 'that' finger, it isn't nice.  Be kind, be wise, be useful and make your seconds count today.    Hugs to all. 

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