Monday, July 13, 2015

Sydney Museum

Beach Art, how cute and clever.    I miss my walks on the beach.

Big doings yesterday at the Sydney Art Gallery here in Port Orchard,  WA., celebrating the gardens and flowers.  The ladies made beautiful jeweled sticks for flower pots, a lovely glass bird bath is in the enter of the table made by one of the artists. The raffle prize was a huge wheel barrow filled with all kinds of wondrous garden tools, even a wide brimmed straw hat.

And, I got to meet the lovely lady artist who painted this picture.  She is very talented.   Her big owl was a beauty, sorry I didn't capture it for you to see.

Later the ladies were heading for the local Bistro where a new chef and owner was putting  on a special.  I thought I had a picture of the dinner itself but all that sowed up was the desert.  It looks good to me.    I begged off as I had a turkey dinner at lunch time here at Ridgefield, but I am sure to be invited to the next time and I'll go and have a treat.

Well the owner of these words has a good idea but remember with age comes a different kind of beauty.   The wrinkles have been earned and the deeper the are the more you realize how much you were loved.  The skin...well it stays soft, maybe droops a bit but it came about because the owner worked hard to make sure you were well cared for.   

So . . . remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder.     Just keep working on being the best you can be.    You will earn every wrinkle but it never dulls the sparkle in your eye for those you truly care about.   

I hope your weekend was a good one and you got out and about and did all of the things you wanted to do.    The reception at the Sydney Gallery was well attended.   I met some lovely ladies and also a few of the local lady artists.    The inner room had a table set with all kinds of snacks, from fancy sandwiches to all kinds of deserts and a huge container of lemonade.  I haven't had lemonade in years and it was delicious.    I met Fred, a photographer who snapped pictures of the visitors as well as the art on the wall.    A man came in with his dog in a cart, special buggy for animals, a small bull dog with a face that had more wrinkles than me.   He was bored as he yawned at everyone.    Bored....he just arrived!  

The tables were filled with beautiful tiles and cutting boards so bright and beautiful you would want a couple for the kitchen counters.   A work of art more to hanging on the walls than slicing and dicing on them.    The artist is very talented  and the smaller cup or glass holders were  alive with scenes of gardens filled with beautiful flowers.    Even the vegetable ones were well done.  I found a few used books for sale in the back room so you know I had to come home with several .  I am not filling my book could you think that?   Well, maybe half a shelf.

A lovely Sunday;  I hope you had a lovely Sunday and got out and about if that is what you wanted to do.   I hope you had family and friends to share your seconds with and you wined and dined as you wanted to.    Now you are ready for a new week which I hope is cool, calm and filled with good ideas and plans to keep you on your toes.   Open up those arms and walk into a hug or two.    Know sharing is caring , so care a lot and find out just how much sharing makes for a wonderful day.    Go be YOU.    Hugs to all.

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