Sunday, July 12, 2015



The beginning of what could be a very big event on the water at Lake Tahoe.  

Speaking of beginnings;  the start of a rainbow, not something captured on camera very often.   We usually see them once they arched the skies, so great to see one just beginning.

You know how everyone admires tiny new babies, toddlers and the budding years. . . well, there comes a time of 'age' and I think the tune changes and everyone is singing . . ."roll out the barrel".    Just be sure you keep your sense of humor as everything goes south as you head north.

We had a sing along last evening and a few treats as well.    A good showing and we actually had sheets of words so we could sing words instead of la ,la ,la,  I am sorry to say we didn't really sound much better, maybe we will improve in time.  Rosie and her husband, who was visiting from the hospital unit next door, celebrated their 67th wedding that is something to celebrate.    After a debilitating stroke and left with the start of Alzheimer, his smile lit up the room.  He was glad to listen to the singers and didn't turn down one of Doris' homemade cookies.    Come to think of it, not one of us said no to any of the goodies which is a good short road to the shape we are in.

When you were very young and didn't listen to all those words your mother kept reminding you about taking good care of yourself.   You know, eat those vegetables and drink lots of water and keep on the move...exercise.   There is a rude awakening day, but still never to late to improve oneself and today is a good day to start.    Muscles need to be exercised to stay moving;   Feet need tender loving care to take you where you want to go.   The nuns were not kidding about posture;   straighten up those shoulders and walk like a  professional model and keep the spine in line.   ah, you know what to do, you just get lazy and figure you'll take care of you another day;  well, the days fly bye and before you know it you will be wishing you paid more attention to yourself and have a few regrets.    It is never to late, so start today.   The body shuts down very slowly over the years and how you take care of it tells the tale of your Golden Years....and that is the biggest understatement of all . . . sold a bill of goods. . . don't fall for it. . .  it takes one second at a time to get to the end of your journey, so make sure you use those seconds wisely.    Lectures are to good......I'm known for twenty-seven of them. . . an no one listened, including if you want to live to sing another day in good health, or at least 'almost' good health, start today with baby steps and become a marathon runner.    Stay healthy, happy and know every good deed comes with a blessing.    Be good, be kind, be gentle, be wise . . . visit someone you know who is housebound today and bring a little sunshine into their lives.     Go and be on your best behavior today. . . it is good for you.    Hugs to all.

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