Thursday, September 10, 2015


A beautiful picture of serenity;   can't tell if the sun is rising and casting shadows for the start of a new day, or, if the sun is setting and leaving shadows as night approaches.   A James Loxly picture but no details.    I like the 'feel' of this picture, a quiet time either at the start or end of a day.    A calmness all its own.   Sigh!   A time of silence.

I should remember this as I 'gab'.  Words have meaning . . . some needed, some not . . . I think we all need to hear those three little words more often.   

A good way to use your seconds.  I am off looking for a good book to read.

I have been telling you for years that I have selective hearing.     Now, I am lucky I can hear anything at all.   Most of the folks here are wearing hearing aids and still have trouble hearing.    When I hear all the complaints about their hearing aids, I am sure I don't want them , nor do I want to spend thousands of dollars to learn to shut them off so you can't hear the drone of voices you cannot understand.  I'm looking for one of those old fashioned horns as I hear they work pretty  what's that you said???


I tell you a hug is a hug is a hug.    What is that song?    "Bees do it, ...let's fall in love!"

Yesterday, Patricia and I rode over to an open air barn like structure called "Coeloes", not the correct spelling but close.  A big open barn with all kinds of huge plank like tables with every imaginable  fresh organic grown fruit and vegetable.   The breads are plentiful and different, looking mouth watering, but,  with prices only a king could afford.    The prices are in fact, quite high and expected as the bins are loaded with fresh home grown healthy food, as well as a refrigerator wall of meats and a rack of ribs that looked like they would be a tasty treat.    I chose an assortment of vegetables for our dinner.   We were going to plan a vegetable plate and looked forward to beets, squashes, potatoes, corn and I did not leave radishes behind.  One of my favorite snacks.    It takes a good hour to cook up beets but well worth it.  Such flavor and so good for the body.  Christine joined us and brought desert, homemade ice cream from a special store that carries it, and some tarts that were very tasty.   We have been watching a Netflick called "Reign" which is very, very, good and it doesn't take long to get involved in all of the 'court' intrigue.   How lucky I am to have two beautiful daughters to spend time with.   I have to remember that when I am in a funk about was a hard to give up the small beautiful Brookings for the big city and a different life style.   But!!!! there is always a but and given time and patience and a strong will to improve ones attitude, life goes on and positive thoughts out weigh the negative least trying is a good exercise in overcoming a negative thought or two.    Didn't St. Francis have something to say about changing ones attitude.   I think so....I used to have a little plaque on my refrigerator door that reminded me to look for the bright side and not the dark side of life.    A lesson in patience and fortitude;  we all have it and we do know how to put it to good use.    So  today if you find yourself heading for the doldrums and have a sense of hunkering down in the yourself up and copy that little prayer of 'serenity' and post or paste it where you are sure to look at it.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."   Amen to that!!  Now, go and make your today special. . .like good deed, don't forget to light a candle today and for heaven sakes . . .smile. . . bring a little sunshine along with you.    If you feel like crying....go ahead, get it out and over with and think how good you will feel . . . then get about the business of today and make it one of your very best.    Hugs to all.


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