Sunday, September 13, 2015


ha,ha, I know a few fellows who fit this bill;    although I have to admit they share and do a lot of other interesting things.  Sure happy to have them in m my life.   Happy fishing!!

Keep this in mind when it is time to vote.

Sheila is on her vacation trip and is running into some interesting events, like having one of these visit her camp sight and have to crawl under the table when its mate came to its rescue.   She certainly had no idea of taking it along on her trip but the 'bull' wasn't about to listen . . . it finally went its own way and she decided to camp in a motel for the next night. 

Look closely and you can see both...amazing how he brain works.

In Crescent City, California they outdid themselves planting the flags in the sand in remembrance of 9/11/01.  A special tribute.

Good Sunday morning.    going for a refill, be right back . . .

Ah, coffee. . . the  elixir of life early in the morning.   It is quiet around here after our sing along last evening.   About a dozen showed up and we had words on paper to help us along, although our efforts will not bring any special accolades, we do get 'e' for effort.    We could use a director but so far no volunteers.    Our harmonica player , Morris, is our only black resident  with smiling eyes and a big heart.    He comes up to the 'play' room about once every couple of months and treats us to a sing along.  Last evening he brought along his book.  He worked for the railroad for many years as a porter and had many tales to tell.   He read a couple of chapters that were humorous  and well written.   I'll have to see if I can get hold of a copy and share some of his words with you.  He brought some treats, cheese and crackers and fresh fruits and none went to waste.    The old songs bring back a lot of memoires and I'd say a good time was had by all.

As you know I had a ride to and through a few small towns with names like Belfair, Shelton and Allyn, on our way to a casino, at least an hours drive away from Port Orchard..   It was a treat for me as I don't get to go play much anymore.    The  two lane highway is quite a ride through what I would call the best of the State of Washington, calendar pictures of open land with mountains in the back ground.    Tiny old houses, some like shacks, a throw back to an earlier time and places.    Some of the little towns haven't changed in a life time.    Several areas reminded me of our rides over to Crescent City as they were tree lined with huge pines.   Riding in and out of shadows as the sun peeked through the trees.    One of the towns had a nice feel to it, clean, neat and busy folks out doing their Saturday shopping.    Yard sales signs, and we did stop at one where two ladies were setting up with buckets and buckets filled with treasures of children's toys.    I found a lovely little pink flower angel which is now sitting on, or hanging from, my desk lamp.  She's a beauty and she reminds me to say a prayer or two for all of us.   One of the ladies told me the other lady had just lost her home.  She had to have open heart surgery and having no family, or sustenance behind her, she had lost everything and had to clear out of the house, thus the sale of all her belongings.   She must have had a store selling children's toys as there were boxes of them.  There were large pieces of beautiful old dressers, tables and more to put out but we had no way of buying any large pieces to help her cause.    We found a few things we didn't really need but the cause was great and every cent counts.   We just never know what is in store for the day until we get out there and find out.    We find how lucky we are.  We find out there is little to groan and grouse about .   One never knows how well off they are until they meet up with someone who is having a very bad time in life.    A reason to count our blessings.    and . . . a reason to reach out and do a little something for someone who needs it.   
So as you go about your business today, keep in mind that some folks need a little of your attention.    A kind word helps;   a touch of a hand soothes;   a hug does wonders to the soul;    a smile brightens the day for them and leads them to 'pass it on' a great idea for one and all.    Be a 'boon' to someone today;   what it is it we are told....'seek and ye shall find'   so 'seek' and 'find' and make today bright and beautiful for yourself and those you like and love.    Go for it;  doesn't hurt ..even a little bit...Hugs to all.

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