Monday, September 7, 2015


A truism;    a new day to enjoy,  a new day to share with those you love and like. 

Ha ,ha , I feel like this after Gina gave me a man's haircut if three or four men had their hair cut before I got into the chair.  I miss my lady barber back in Brookings.    I tried a new place here and Brianna did a good job but likes to layer and I just don't have that many

Now this makes sense of a yard sale sign.   Although there may be a treasure or two if you look long and hard enough.  Pat found a Lladro angel with a few tiny chips on the wings but oh so cute and so dear;  a treasure to just look at and feel.  Trinkets can bring a smile or two and you can always make room for one more tiny dust collector.

Yes, Halloween will be here before you know it;  this is a clever and cute idea.  Now if they were having one of their special teas here in Port Orchard the gallery ladies would be busy making them for the tables.  

Ah, we knowhow he feels.   Salad is really good for the body but donuts are good for the soul....I remember when you could buy a dozen for sixty cents and now you have to pay a kings ransom for one.    They may not be as good for you as salad but they sure taste good and make you 'yum and smile.   Salad for lunch ...donuts for breakfast...I'll buy  that.

The first week of September gone but not forgotten as the big 125th celebration was a huge success.   The 'crew' should be touted and honored for a job well done.   The folks of the town turned out in numbers and everyone had a great time.   The weather held up, the food was great, the exhibits were fabulous and we all learned a lot about our little town.   I was telling my table mates all about my excursion into town when one of our ladies came up and said she heard me talking about the exhibit and she wondered why they left out an important man who had held a position in town for many years.   I had no idea what she was talking about but wondered why she didn't participate in helping the group  when she was so much more knowledgeable.    She could have parted with some of her knowledge and helped them to include other great men of another century.   she is a former reporter and has written one book and is not 'happy' with me for being an author too.  Oh well, not much I can add when I am new to this area.   I am thinking petty jealousy and that is sad.  

So today look up jealousy in the dictionary;   devour the meaning and stay far away from jealousy and envy as it gets you no where and does absolutely nothing for YOU.    You have talents of your own and it is your right to develop them as best you can to suit YOU and not the world in general.   Some folks have more than one talent and it seems to go with having a talent  in the first place, others don't take time to develop their talent as everyone has some.    Look to yourself and find out what makes YOU tick.    When you meet and greet someone who does have talent and shares it, then be glad for them and be thankful they are 'big' enough to share their talents with you.    Envy is a sad business.  It gets you no where.  You just cannot be lazy and not develop your own..    Each of us has a talent and we may not have as much as some but we do have a duty to perfect and enjoy every talent we own.   So today live and project a little of YOU to your world and make today YOUR day. Share YOU with those you love and like.    Share your talent and be proud of yourself.    Make your part of the world a place to shine and do it...SHINE!!   Hugs to all.

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