Friday, September 18, 2015

Hey There!

Hope you can read this;  sounds really negative until you read it backwards...a nice surprise.

Some folks know how to set rocks;  not me.....I tried but just never got the hang of it.  Now I can pick up a rock and find all kinds of faces and little creatures in it, but try and build a little fence and my sense of 'chink' is lost.

Mother Love, can'tyou feel it....What a beautiful pair.   The first thought is 'I want one...."   ; on second thought...nah...I really don't.   Nice to look at but not to hold.

Reminds me of the balloon festival in Nevada when the skies are filled with colorful , awesome balloons.  The affair was always held in the dusty desert , never in a field of beautiful flowers like this one.    I bet a ride in a balloon, like this one, is special, think of the scenery, the awesome feeling of floating high in the sky.   I just never had the courage to try a balloon ride, or jump out of a plane, or climb higher than my little kitchen ladder...and then I held on tight..

Guess what we have another Friday....yep, the days fly by and it is laundry day for me .  A down day can be fun as it allows you to catch up with yourself.    It has been a good week with a little rain , some warm sunshine and fresh Fall air, nothing to complain about,  good company, daughters to spend time with and get some of those hugs I talk about all the time.    Last evening Christine and I went down town and stopped in for some of that fish chowder. . . oh my, freshly made and so delicious.   I see little difference between the cup and the bowl  ..well price wise, I do.....but , my favorite word, the bowl could and should be larger as the soup disappears long before the taste buds are satisfied.   I'll have to google a recipe and see if I can come up with something close to their specialty.    Let me see, salmon, clams, white fish...oh, oh, now I see why it is expensive....have you priced fish lately?    Jock....where are you when I need your catch of the day?  
I know it is Fall when friend, Marcia, writes that she has been notified the apples are ready for picking and it is time for her to make her applesauce.    I am hoping she finds some plastic jars to fill so I can buy a case or two as she makes the most delicious applesauce, chunky and full of cinnamon.    I just finished up the last jar from last year.   Pat has an apple tree in her back yard and actually got some apples and made some applesauce which she shared...yum....not enough apples to go very far but maybe next year there will be more.   The tree needs a little attention, a bit of pruning and a lot of love.   she has grapes too but the birds ate every one of them.    She sure had a wonderful crop of tomatoes and there is nothing more delicious than a vine ripened tomato with a pinch of salt.   that is one time even the doctor doesn't complain about the use of a little salt.   Home grown just can't be beat.    Remember the victory gardens....think we need to start up again and let the folks growing food with all that GMO stuff eat all that food themselves.    We are working on a healthy body and a healthy mind..
So, today, make out your grocery list and look for the local food growers market to shop for home grown vegetables and fruits.   If you haven't had a chance to have a garden of your own, maybe this winter you can spend some time plotting and planning a garden for next year.    Those boxed gardens can be a boon.    Just think you can get a little dirt under those fingernails.  It washes away easily, not to worry.    If you have already done your shopping for this weekend, invite family and friends in and have a vegie binge;   corn on the cob, baked potato, white and a sweet one too,  asparagus, and a big juicy tomato, even something you favor, like turnip  and a cucumber never hurts, and if you can't do without it, a hot dog wouldn't hurt.    Enjoy the food and the company.   Be kind, be gentle, be magnanimous. . . you can do it.   Hugs to all.

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