Friday, September 25, 2015

Only If YOU Dare!!

The attachment came from a friend today to remind me to laugh out loud at being OLD, a good idea and I had to laugh out loud as the truth always makes one laugh if one has an open mind and a sense of humor.    So family and friends this is just a little humor about getting old. . . it isn't all bad.   There are days when memories make up for the 'status quo'.   

You all have not reached this age of humor but you are on your way so you might as well cut out a few favorites for a sad or rainy day.

The end of the week coming up and a weekend to enjoy.    I hear there is a good new Robert Redford movie good to me but I'll wait for the tape as once in a dark movie in a comfortable chair the urge to nap takes precedence.  

Meanwhile, think of how you want to spend your seconds and get to work on spending them wisely.   Bring laughter to someone you like and love.   Be benevolent; share a bit of money for the people who have lost everything in a fire;   add a few dollars to buy a few coupons for a free meal for a homeless person and think about treating yourself to celebrating YOU.   Hugs to all.

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