Thursday, September 24, 2015

Same stuff different day!!!!

what a picture of strength and beauty.   Great form, wonder if it is a racer?   Looks like a winner to me.

I saw one just like this out of the bus window on our way to Sequim.

This is a sad truism.   How many times some people use and abuse others as they use them as their personal listening post, then drop them when life is not so threatening .  They are not true friends, just users when it is convenient for them, then they ignore you until the next crisis.   No one has the right to 'use' you; turn a deaf ear and let them solve their own problems.   They don't want your advice, just a listening post so let the drama queens find another stage.

A truism.    I love hugs, don't you?    Someone said we need twelve a day. . . well, that is a big order, I'll take what I can get and you had better too.

A male bus driver, kind, helpful and a good driver sped us on our way to a town called Sequin a good hours drive away from Port Orchard.   Familiar two lane roads, more pines than oaks or maples; a weeping willow was a bit different though.   I did bring the camera which was not working due to battery needs which left me puzzled as I just changed them.   Have to have the girls look it over and see what is going on.  A big disappointment as I hoped to have pictures of the trip for you today. The sky was filled with massive picture clouds, wind clouds that were fun to see as I  let my imagination run wild.  A rainbow filled the sky so I was hoping the pot of gold was at the end . . . well, one has to have a little wishful thinking on going.    We had a stop of about twenty minutes due to the bridge being open.   The talk was that it would be an hour as there were two barges going through and it would be an hours wait.  Lucky for us it was only one barge and it was almost through when we got to the area.   We went on and finally got  to a casino which was large and clean and had two large areas filled with all kinds of gaming machines.   No Keno, they got rid of them according to one of the floor ladies.   Three of the ladies and I went for the restaurant and had a bowl of chowder before hitting the machines, once you start to play you don't stop for a snack.   We agreed to meet later for a desert and we did.  I had an upside down cheesecake with berries and it was delicious, served in a glass container that looked like a Bell canning jar.  No dinner for us tonight...a weeks calories in a dish!!
Our driver was on time and we started back hoping to miss the ferry traffic folks but we were held up for some time as there was a horrific accident which was so sad to see.   A car was pushed off into the side of a field with what looked like half of the side gone, while the small truck was smashed in front like an accordion.  There must have been a loss of life, so awful to see.  It must have happened awhile before we came along as all of the service people were gone.  Only left was the two vehicles and a few of the police responders who were trying to  move traffic along.   So our one hour trip was more like two and a half hours.    That is one scene that puts a damper on a good day away.. Prayers and thoughts of the families and thanksgiving ones for being alive.  It was a very quiet ride home to our apartments, a thank you to our driver for bringing us back safe and sound.   A key in the door, shoes off, a little bent but not broke and a few fun memories of a day spent away, but the accident left a feeling of sadness, and a reminder how short life can be.
So if you drive, obey the rules of the road  and stay safe.   There will be idiots out there so watch out.    Why some folks have to try and take over the road for their rush to the next light is always beyond me but that is the way it is.    YOU plan, take your time and be safe as I wouldn't want to have an accident.    Friends are hard to come by.    Be calm cool and collected, plan to be safe and not sorry.    Be good, be kind, be gentle, and give yourself plenty of time to get where you have to go today.    YOU are important to someone.  I know how important you are to me.    Feel the verbal hugs, I'm sending a few your way.   Hugs to all.


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