Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hump, Hump, Hump!!

One of Patricia's favorite pictures ...Erin's home....Emma's happy....taken a few years ago, but then some feelings never change.

I miss my old radio.    I do have to look into buying a new one as I really miss MY music.    I loved the old band music and humming along with the tunes I used to love to sing.    I hum a lot but it doesn't do justice to bellowing out a few words to a favorite tune.   As for pictures,  I miss my art wall.   I have a couple of pictures up but don't want to overdo in my smaller quarters.    I have one or two more to hang but have to find that special tape to put on the walls.

Think about that and how fast time flies.    One day as it comes, make the most of it, use those seconds as if there is no tomorrow.    What a fabulous day you can have, all you have to do is live it.

Speaking of Garden Art, what a lovely scare crow this is.    All cabbages.    Some one has an eye for art.

Now this I would love to have had in my yard over the years.    Think of the great food you would cook on this grill.  You still have Indian Summer to look forward to, so get your menu ready and have one more cookout before the season gets down to that real cold snowy weather.  It's coming.

The weather report from here is good as we have cool days, a taste of sprinkles and a light breeze;   a far cry from complaining about the heat which really was something to write about.   I hope you had a good day yesterday, I did.  It was a quiet one to enjoy my lunch partners.   Ginny is more talkative, not by much, but at least she is not just sitting there speechless.   Part of the problem is hearing, we all have that, even those with the expensive hearing aids.    I don't know what you can do to preserve your hearing, but check it out and find out as it is not fun to try and have a conversation and the words are muted.   We do pretty good and we really listen so we can have a conversation.    Mary was the other diner and is one who loves to smile and talk.   She has tales to tell and loves to tell them.    After lunch I read to Vinnie for an hour and we finished another long chapter of his book.    It seems to be taking a very long time to get through this book but the chapters are long and the story is good and there really is no rush, so we plod along.    I have finished "The Dragon" by Cussler, a good read.   So there really is nothing of interest to write about as I have already done all the complaining I can do .
There is a new jig saw puzzle on the table.  That puzzle board is great and I wonder how we ever finished puzzles before.   Winter is coming so don't forget to buy yourself one and pick up one of those mystery puzzles and you will enjoy some of the winter willies away.    Pat just picked up a 1,500 piece puzzle to do when we have days of not being about to run about.  I am not sure how I can lay out all those pieces.  I have trouble enough with a thousand piece puzzle.    I organize.  It drives everyone crazy until they find four or five pieces side by side and then they smile.
I had a lovely thank you card from Dale, the man who watched over Gwen for so long before she died last month.   It was such a nice gesture on his part and so unexpected.    He is a man who gives of himself . . .generously.    He has absolutely no problem helping others.   We could all take a page from his book.    He goes about quietly, looking around to find someone to do a good deed for and how much he is loved and appreciated by all the folks here.    So when you do your good deed today, know you are making life a bit easier for the one you are helping.    If you have energy to spare, make it more than one good deed and then you can help a few more in need.   We all need the attention, the hug, the smile. . .make life a bit more on the sunny side.   Depression is the name of the game for some and it is very sad to see.   Some folks never learned to live and now they pay a price for it.    Ill health causes deep depression so take a page from the book of the elders and learn how to take care of your body and your soul.    Keep a sharp mind, use it.   Keep a strong body, exercise . . . walk. . . it is one of the best ways to keep going.    As for diet, eat everything that pleases your palate just keep the portions small and don't forget water is good for you and all that sugar in morning juices can kill you.    Be smart, be clever, be kind, be gentle and go hug someone you love.   Hugs to all.

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