Friday, September 11, 2015


wow, opals. . . wonder if the tree in your back yard has any????   The rings tell the life of the tree;  wonder what the opals tell!

makes me wonder why there has not been some 'overthrow' on going with this last administration which has worked so hard to bring America to its knees.

I can think of a couple of ladies who would appreciate this cake.   Made for a seamstress.  pretty clever and so colorful.

Ah!!!  What a cutie.

And he knows who and what he is talking about and so do we.

The end of a week coming up  and our weather has switched back to 'hot';   not going to last, thank God, we have had enough hot days to last us for some time.   I know, I know, we will all be bemoaning the long winter months soon, but you can always put another sweater on or the furnace and warm up, a far cry from 'dressing down' to the bare skin when it gets to hot.    You all must get pretty tired of hearing about  weather but when you reach this age, weather is important, too hot is bad and too cold is not much better.   Once the season gets underway it will be just right for a change and then you will miss my grousing about the weather.

Here at Ridgemont, life goes on, for some by a thin thread, others are on the go and a few in-betweens.    A light crowd for lunch or our dinner time yesterday;  someone must have spread the word that liver was on the menu.   There should be a law stating it can be served once a year;   such wretched stuff.    Even the pink pudding was hard to look at.    I could ignore it as I had some left overs in my refrigerator and could heat them up later and have a feast.    I brought home some of Christine's onion and tomato  pie which was a treat the second time around.   
We have some new folks join us this month.   One lady moved from an area that was drugs and folks who have no concept of how to live life.    Sad, that they are tossing away the best years of their lives.    She is still having trouble sleeping, but will adjust after a few weeks here.   She will begin to feel safe and secure.    It has been interesting to watch the change.  We had four apartments open all at the same time and now only one.   They fill up quickly once the word is out that there is an opening.   Right now the grounds are covered with the last of the colorful flowers and the trees are turning into bright red leaves.   I took a walk out and went about three blocks up to the corner and back and found a few whole leaves and a pretty feather a bird left behind.  I also found a white rock that had all kinds of markings which resembled small animals.   I took a pen to it when I got back and have it sitting on a small table in the entrance way.   There was a bird, and a dog to bring to life and make one smile.   It is a lovely little arrangement to usher in Fall.

So today, change your attitude to high and get out there and see what you can find.  I am sure you are experiencing the fall colors starting and appreciate what nature does every Fall.    Gather a few of those leaves and make a bouquet for yourself  and enjoy the last 'color' of the season.    A great day to walk through fallen leaves and such fun to rake them into piles.

Crunching, crispy, wind blown leaves
reds with browns and greens
huddled on the sidewalks
waiting for a breeze.

The inner eye, the child's eye
remembers days of yore,
when walking off to school
we kicked them to and fro
making noises as we go.

Laughter filled the air
the leaves so very light
scattered with our kicks
as they took a long, long flight.

we hurried home to find the rake
and make huge piles of leaves
built so high they couldn't fly
until we jumped right in
chasing them back to their ground
only to rake again

Crunching, crisp, wind blown leaves
revives the memory
as I walked along the street
kicking leaves aside
smiling, grinning, feeling good
as the leaves went sailing by.

Go find a rake and have some fun . . . Hot cocoa with marsh mellows;   bear hugs and kisses . . . sounds good to me.   Hugs to all. 

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