Friday, August 21, 2015


This picture reminded me of a special lake I visited often in Nevada.   It was a special area for a picnic and a walk around the little lake.   A beautiful spot, a place to relax and enjoy nature at its best.  I loved it when the trees and the mountain were reflected in the water.  "Whenever there are lakes and streams with trees growing along all sides/ the sun come out/and shadows fall/turning the leaves and trees upside down.   The calmness is a mirror/showing a magic picture in the stream/ a twin mirage of color/ lifeless like a dream./ Reflections make you smile/as ducks take to the pond/making rivulets as they glide along.  (jms-2000) 

Here is our Jock with his latest catch.   I'd have a big smile if I caught a fish that size;   I'd probably faint if I did.   Now that is a whopper and you know there is going to be a lot of good eating.   Hopefully when he comes to visit , he will remember to pack a few  hunks for us to enjoy.   The grill is ready, all we need is you Jock....start making plans.  

Sheila is getting ready for her vacation trip back east and she knows where to go for a lobster role.    Sure looks good enough to eat.

A cartoon by Rick McKee. . . Wouldn't you think Hillary would give it up.   She has been in the limelight forever and all she has done is gone from being a pauper to a billionaire and it just isn't enough.    Poor lady, suffer, suffer.

It is Friday and we are excited as my granddaughter is flying in early this morning and her mother and aunt are on their  way to pick her up.   She has been gone from sight much too long.    I can hardly wait for all the table talk tonight when we have dinner together.    She has many tales to tell of life in Hawaii where she has been the last year and all of the work she has accomplished within the deaf community.    The first summer camp for children was a huge success.  

Here at Ridgemont, sad news as our lady, Gwen, is not going to make it.   She broke an arm, a leg and had a heart attack in the fall she had the other morning.   She was already so frail it was nothing short of a miracle that she got up every day and made her way up to the dining room.    She told us it just wasn't easy  but she prevailed .   Such courage and  inner strength.  A wonderful example to all of us who are walking slowly to the Garden Gates.      It is a common sight here in a senior apartment complex where each one has reached the an age of acceptance, and find, despite the whims of old age, there are many reasons to continue to enjoy your seconds as they come.    Age is just a number, it is the mind, the heart and the soul that tells us to make good use of our blessings as they come our way each day.  Say a prayer for Gwen and ask that her continued journey be a blessed one. 
I caught up with Vinnie and we had an hour read which was fun.    We had a breezy day which was great for us but not so great for the fire areas.  We have lost three fire fighters and that is sad and bad news.    The fires are to the east of us, far away, but not far away as far as smoke goes.    I left may door open which is a sign that company is welcome and it worked.   Betty (we have three of them) who lives a few doors down came in to say hello and take a peek at the puzzle on the puzzle board.   She wants one now.   They work well so don't hesitate to buy one if you decide to do a jig saw puzzle.  She left and before long Carolyn came to get one of my books, she has decided she likes the way I write and in spite of killing off a main character now and then, she wants to read more.   A lucky I am.   Then Doris came down and spent a while enjoying the new rocking chair.   We have a lot in common so the conversation flows.    I bought some of those ninety calorie ice cream bars because they were small and light for my diet, but....the proverbial but;....they are so good one wont do....two down and maybe a do the math and you will know why I am not losing weight.   I just cannot buy ice cream in any form if I want a girlish I need a girlish figure?   Nah......think I will put them on my grocery list as a main stay in my diet.   
So have a TGIF day and buy a box of those tiny ice cream bars as they really are delicious and see if you can stop at you cannot.     Plot and plan your weekend to be a relaxing one and enjoy your seconds as they come.    Remember to share YOU with those you love and like.    Plan a little outing and find a small pond or lake to walk around.    Pack a picnic and go out for a few hours and enjoy summer a  it will soon be gone.    Don't forget a good deed.   Be good, be kind, be YOU.   Hugs to all.

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