Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Ah!! A walk along the beach.   How much I miss Lone Ranch Beach and Harris Beach in Brookings.   How much I miss walking along any beach.    Good for soul searching, exercise, mulling over the hidden agates and beach glass.  

A Truism

Believe it or not this lovely creature is made out of mixed plants and grasses molded in frames.  That Old Moss Woman's Secret Garden has the best pictures and write ups.    I would like one of our Emma for Pat's garden.

This picture was with a write up about deserts in Paris and they look luscious.   I couldn't have one of those for breakfast but I did have a lovely cinnamon bun made by Doris yesterday.  She is another of our 99 year olds.   This lady is not only young in heart and spirit but is in great shape .   She isn't thinking of  my shape, and come to think of it neither am I.  

Tuesday has  a nice ring to it, no special plans for today but something will come up I'm sure.   Vinnie brought his book with him yesterday ready for a good read but his Veterans Administrative Social Worker came by and they were to have a half hour meeting.  Time to reassess his needs and tell him what his income will be this year.   Hopefully no cut backs for his sake.   I saw something on the computer yesterday about a reduction  in our Social Security income that we paid into and earned for many years.   I cannot afford any cut backs .  
Well, I am gaining in reputation as an author.   There is one group at a table, three men and one lady, who make mention of my being a writer and asking what kind of books I have written and are curious as to what I write about.  So I brought the lady "Decades" for her to read and pass on if she wanted to share with her table mates.    She was surprised and said she was a slow reader but yesterday, after two days,  she gave me back the book saying she enjoyed it and asked all kinds of questions about my other books.   Maybe I have picked up a fan.   That would be nice.   
Another lady, Carolyn, saw the book and said she had not read it so asked if she could read it and said her friend wanted to read it next .....I believe I have finally  got their attention....smile.   Now to make a list so I know who has my original copy.   I don't have extra copies any more.   Joanne, the lady who was the only local publisher in Brookings no longer puts books together.  She had a long hard session with health problems and has  finally learned to settle back and relax.   There might be a way on the computer.  I'll have to have Christine check it out for me, maybe I can have all my books on the computer so the Kindle folks can enjoy them.    Wish  me luck and hope they enjoy the stories.
The new puzzle on the puzzle board is going to be a tough one.    It is one of the mystery puzzles and so far the frame shows that it is nothing like the picture so it may be the answer to the mystery.   Pat came over yesterday to check out the frame for me.  I had worked on it until I was 'blue in the face' and could not get it to fit.   She spotted a strip on the wrong side and it all fell into place.   Some people have good eyesight or a knack for spotting which piece of puzzle is in the wrong spot.    So now to get busy and sort and make room for the pieces so I can make headway.    If you come for a visit I'll move over so you can help.
I am off to have a seconds on my coffee, turn on the news and hope for some good news which is much harder to find these days.   So, today, go out and see what you can do to brighten our world.   Make a new friend.    Visit and old one.    Drop a coin or two in the church font and light a candle for the waiting souls at the pearly gates.    Remember the old adage of 'what goes around comes around' and there may come a day when you will appreciate one good deed.    Your smile brightens some one persons day, and your words lift them up from despair, so be a hero today and earn your golden key to the heavenly gates.  Hugs to all.

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