Saturday, August 29, 2015


I am almost there;  or, did I miss that stage. . . nah, I'm still working on it.

Ha, Ha  Isn't she wonderful.   She has such wit and usually nails it just right.

and gave us many a good reason to laugh right along .   'obedient' , I'll have to look that up in the dictionary.


And the story goes that this young fellow was found in a dumpster, neglected, hungry and very sad.  Along came a wonderful couple and adopted him and he is happy and content as master of his farmland.   A beautiful animal.   So many animals that are left on the outside when they can be brought in and warm the inside of our home and our hearts.
The week flew by, it always does when you have someone you love come for a visit and the time flies.  Erin leaves us today.  Hopefully that hurricane that is hovering over the islands will be long gone by the time she flies into the airport over there in Hawaii.    I know the airplanes would be grounded if a hurricane was in full tilt;  but the mind and heart worry when a family member or friends travel.   There is a saying about 'borrowing troubles' and most of us are very good at that.  Well, let us hope that Erin has a pleasant and smooth ride back to Donaleo and work.    It has been a treat for us to have her this week and we can hardly wait to hear when she will be able to come back.
Friday is usually a pretty good lunch here in Ridgemont.   The usual fare is fish and they served a light cod fish dish yesterday along with baked beans and slaw.  Now that is a combination I never thought of and am glad I didn't.   It was fine but what a mixture.   Vinnie was feeling a bit better so had time for our reading session.   Rose sat with us for awhile but then she tends to nod off so she left to go and rest awhile.    She has a crush on Vinnie and it is fun to tease him about having our almost one hundred lady making eyes at him.    I haven't told him a couple of the ladies have asked me about him.   I guess one is never to old to want romance in their lives.    I could play the matchmaker but I would worry about just what I got started and then feel responsible...nah, I'm  going to mind my own business.    One of the fellows leaves his door open now which is a sign that company is welcome.   I dropped in and said hello the other morning and was invited to sit for a while but the couch looked much to low and I was afraid I'd never get I sat in my walker and visited awhile.   A very nice man who has spent his lifetime having skin cancers removed.   He has been plagued with that problem all his life.   Some fair skin people have to stay out of the sun.   I think we beach lovers who spent time soaking up the sunshine are very lucky we didn't end up with skin cancer.   Speaking of skin, one more reason to be careful and take care of yours.   At this age we could all be called 'spots' and it wouldn't be far from wrong.    There is something going on from the inside that shows on the outside and it isn't 'pretty'.   So cream up  and take care of YOU.    I'm off to put my shoes on.   I want to get to see Erin and the wedding pictures she took didn't rain on the bride and groom so all went well and all had a  beautiful wedding to remember for a lifetime.
Be good, be kind, be gentle. . . go into the weekend with a positive attitude and enjoy your seconds as they come.    Don't forget one good deed deserves another.   As you go . . . hum. . . 'three little words, that's all I live, la. la.    .....I love you.  Hugs to all.

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