Wednesday, August 5, 2015


A truism 

Wonder what the titles are . . . I must have read at least one of them.    I miss my bookcases filled with wonderful reads, although I am off to a good start and have six unread books in my bookcase.

Granddaughter Erin with one of the deaf children at the camp this summer.   It was such a huge success they are already planning for next year and a longer time.    We are expecting her for a short visit this month and can hardly wait so we can catch up with all her tales.   

It is Hump Day and it is starting off to be a 'hump' in my road as I had three lovely pictures on and the computer did its fancy thing and blinked off taking the pictures with it and I had already erased them as I copied them from my picture file.  Being too efficient can be as bad as not being efficient at all.    Have I told you lately that I am not overly fond of computer shenanigans....the little sign is up 'complain to Google' , a lot of good that would do.  It is like complaining to our illustrious politicians as you get the same results.  I had put on a picture of the sea stacks around Second Beach here in Washington State.   They are called 'quillayerte needles and one called "Crying Rock Lady" is the largest.   It was mentioned as a wildlife refuge and the breeding grounds to thousands of seabirds like cormorants petrels and auklets. . . better known to me as 'sea birds and / or gulls.   It was a colorful and beautiful picture of the sea stacks prevalent to this west coast beach area.   Close your eyes and visualize.

Oh well, it is Wednesday and it is going to be a beautiful day as we have been led to believe we may see a few raindrops;  one can only hope.    What we need is a teeming rain as there are just too many forest fires going on in too many states.  We had smoke in our air with one that is on going here in our forests.   

Yesterday proved to be a good day.  Pat came by early and took me over to the Walmart store so I could walk the aisles.  The store is huge so I didn't get to walk all of them.;  It is good exercise and the baskets are just the right height to hang on to.   I was trying to find another burgundy pant bottom to replace the one I cut to make a pair of shorts during our really hot nights.   Sweats are comfortable all year round but when the heat is on they become a bit like a warm blanket so 'off with the legs'  and hope no one shows up at the door.  Glamour is not my best suit.   Comfort is though.  Of course they don't have them on the shelves now as they are a Fall or Winter item.    I managed to find a small cutting board so I don't mutilate the counter top in the kitchen here.   I also found some pens.  I can't imagine running out of a pen but I did.   It is amazing how many different kinds there are now.   I had a tough time finding a small packet as most carried a dozen or more.    I only wanted one or two so settled for six.   Then off to Pat's house to work on the mystery puzzle which is really funny.  I have no idea what they mystery is yet.  


A good deed in progress.....Pretty special.

So, go and do a good deed today.    Someone you know and love needs a little peck on the cheek;   a bit of hand holding and a few kind words to make their world go around.    Maybe you do yourself and if so don't be shy, reach out and get your share of a big bear hug or a peck on the cheek, it is what make the day brighter , the worries lighter and your world a bit brighter.      Let me see, if you start about nine and work through the day, you might just get in those twelve hugs needed for the day.   It would be easy around here as there are some folks really in need of a kind word, a hug or just a smile.    I have my work cut  out for me today.   If you were here I'd start with you with a hug and a smile.    I think there is a song we could hum to put us in the, la, la, la, la, la.......Hugs to all.

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