Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The world is watching  an American President ignoring the truth of what is going on in our world.   Being born and brought up as a Muslim, he must be torn between what  he knows is right and wrong, but has not  the courage to make a choice and be true to his own convictions.  Or maybe he has . . .    He has brought American way down and has tried to use his strong personality to change America to a third world country and is still working at it .   Will he be successful?   Will our elected leadership sit and do nothing or will they get off their duffs and do something before it is much too late.  Will we sit and watch or will we take the time to be ready  to defend ourselves?   Will  you write your Congressmen and Senators and tell them how you feel about what is not going on in America?   While you are at it, tell them what is going on in your neighborhood.   They might find out that their constituents are not asleep at the wheel.   

More of the same...Political correctness is such a sham.

I don't know about you, but I feel that Dr. Wayne Dwyer is a bit overstated on this.    There is room for debate.  Yes we are responsible for making our own decisions but that is followed by being strong, wise and sure in determining the right and wrong of those who try to make choices for us when we start off without experience or knowledge of our world.   We learn as we go and we do become strong, independent and ready to take our own responsibilities seriously .   Our parents set the example;  the relationships teach us a lot about  truth, love and dishonesty; the weather is changeable and we accept it as it comes, and age is ongoing, something about 'old to soon, smart too late' . . . but we do learn and we do grow and we do make our own decisions which leads us to be the best we can be.

He is a little more liberal in his thinking on this one.   You have to accept yourself warts and all.  No one in this world is perfect, thank God, we have to work hard to try to be the best we can be and I think each of  you is doing a very good job of it.   

Now there is more truth than poetry in this statement.    The mirror never lies, it just introduces you to a stranger, somewhat familiar, yet what happened to that face that used to be . . . the one with the dimples that changed to wrinkles;  the one with the bright eyes that can't see without glasses; the one with a smile that lights up a room....aha....there it is, and it never changes.

Two of my former writers are starting up a work shop and I am invited to sit in today .   It should be interesting.  I'll let you know .

Make Hump Day a fun day.  Mid-week and you can start planning on what you will do with your 'down' time this weekend.  Mid January coming up...well, time does fly. . . just know that you can create magic with your love, your smile and  your will to be your brother's keeper.    We all need a hand now and then so use y ours to do a good deed today.   Share a little or a lot, the decision is all yours.    Hugs to all.
P.S.  I am putting the blog on  tonight because of computer problems that Charter said were fixed but that isn't so, the shut down continues and comes back only to go down again.  I'm not taking any chances of sparing you a day without my words. . . smile.  

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