Monday, November 30, 2015

Last of November

If only everyone would begin to think in positive terms and work at being a good citizen. . . what a world we would live in.  We can keep CHRIST in Christmas and we can  do remarkable things in HIS name.

I'm late...been off gallivanting.  I went over to the Gallery to do a little shopping for Christmas gifts.  Of course I cannot afford the wonderful paintings for all, but if I could there are some artists that make your eyes light up and your heart sing.   The other artisans make 'things; and they do such a good job.    There is everything from cards to jewelry to knitted and crocheted  sets from hats and gloves to scarves and runners.   All well done, beautiful colors and great textures.   The weather turned cold and the roads slippery as fog descended and I decided it was best to stay over at Christine's home rather than chance the roads.    We had 'girls; night and some wine and pizza and a night of watching the Hallmark Christmas movies...such fun...if you have not done that this Christmas season, plan it, you will have a great time.
So now I have had a hot shower to wake up and warm up.  I have clean clothes and brushed teeth so I am now ready for a new day.   I keep thinking of warmer climates but then I hear there are problems in most places so I guess I will just hunker down and wait for the sun to come out.   
You have a wonderful last of November day and take time to make your Christmas list and be ready for the next't forget the grocery list for all the items needed for baking...everything from fancy cookies, fudge and that white stuff, you know what I mean...mine always turns unto marsh-mellow.     Don't forget fruit cake...of course you would like it if you actually ate a piece of it.     Wine cakes make a great gift.    Come to think of it Cranberry bread and other breads do also.    Home made is always appreciated. there's a gift.     So plot and plan and have a baking day or two, turn on some Christmas music and sing at the top of your lungs.
"Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open, la,, have a very nice day.
Don't forget one good deed, maybe two in honor of the season.     Keep CHRIST in CHRISTMAS and shout out MERRY CHRISTMAS  to all  you meet and greet.     And don't forget a hug or two.    Just think you have days to get into the mood and each day you just get stronger.     Be good, be kind, be generous in sharing you with those you love and like.   Good bye November...Hello December!!!!!   Hugs to all.

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