Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The handsome Mike Amaker is out for a ride this morning up there on the Nevada ranch.   I hear they may have some snow.  I hear it is cold.   I hear that they  have to break ice so the horses can get a drink of water.   

Over in Japan they get a bit of moss on the roof.   I hear Wendy is coming home for a Christmas visit and I know some parents who are ready and waiting for her arrival.    A lot of preliminary baking going to happen and a wonderful fun visit is at the ready.    Sure would like to be there and join in the fun.  Welcome home Wendy!

The Sidney Art Gallery here in Port Orchard where there are some great buys.    Don't miss out when there are some real deals around.   The artisans made it easy to shorten your list.

December First . . . doesn't that have a lovely ring to it.   Christmas is coming and it is an exciting time of year.   I bought me a cookie dish with reindeers on it and it is sitting on my table filled with home made peanut brittle.   It is for my Christmas cookies when someone stops in for a tea break and the peanut brittle as well.    I'll leave the door open all this week and see what happens.    Yesterday the hall way was filled with cooking smells.  Doris was making homemade rolls and I got two beautiful big rolls just for me.  Of course I ate one, right away, isn't that what you do with a nice hot roll out of the oven.  I did save one for this morning but will save it for later.  I heard a tweak from the fire alarm but it didn't last long.    Peanut butter toast was on the agenda this morning which is always tasty.  I will have to talk the girls into letting me use their stove so I can make some wine cakes this year for gifts.   Cranberry bread makes a lovely gift also.   You just cannot beat homemade goodies no matter what you decide to make.  
Here at Ridgemont we have a couple of folks down.,  Don is in the hospital building after a small stroke.  His second one this season and hopefully the last for awhile.  We miss his greeting at lunch time as he has a big smile and a hello for everyone as they head for the coffee pot which is right behind where he sits.    We tease him for being a 'ladies man' as he loves to greet the ladies and has a good word for each one.   Our lovely Vera is in and out of the hospital unit due to an infection she picked up at the local hospital when she went to have her leg rewrapped after her fall.    The leg is healing slowly but that virus just wont go away.  Rose is still with us and back to her room after a fast trip to the hospital.   She has a helper now which is good and hopefully her family will be coming this way and spend a little time with her for the holidays.   Vinnie has been to busy to be read to this week.  He is busy Christmas shopping and having fun.    Other than that the rest all seem to be doing fine and are looking forward to some bus rides over to the shopping area.   So not a lot has been going on to write and tell you about, but in a way that is a good thing as at this age one more good day is a blessing.  
Start your new month by taking care of your health first.    Make your list and see what bit of love you can wrap up for those you love and like.    Do not go in debt, no one appreciates being responsible for that.    Think love  and share YOU for a minute, an hour or a few, which would be the best gift you can give.    Christmas does not have to be a box wrapped in fancy paper and ribbon;  what is really needed is a bit of your time and attention .     Share a hug or two . . . share a smile . . . share YOU with those you love and like...what a tremendous gift that is.    Don't forget to light a candle , send a few of those baked cookies to the boys overseas;    and look around and find someone who needs a hug today...give them a big bear hug and grin while you do it.    I am betting you get one back.    Hugs to all.


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