Friday, November 13, 2015


So many little reminders to show us the way to have success in our lives.    How good to use our minds in such a positive way and we already know that starting our day with a prayer means we are on our way to a very good day.

I love old barns.   this one is settled in a beautiful spot.   Silence is golden.  The skeleton of a tree.   Peace and serenity.

Snow at Stevens Pass.   It must be the name of one of the passes here in Washington State.   The skiers are smiling.

A lovely picture.  The river of life.   It can be calm, it can be turbulent and wild  but all the while it is beautiful.

Hey there Jock, looking good.   That is quite a fish...a Chinook,   wonder what that tastes like.    Wonder how long to filet it.   Wonder when you will fire up the grill.  We would like to be tasters.    Love the hat and the smile tells it all.  Congratulations that is a monster to catch.

Friday morning and all seems quiet right this minute.  We are in the midst of a big storm and have been promised more rain and heavy duty winds.    Candles are not allowed here at Ridgemont in case of fire.  I can understand that so I'll have to look for some that are encased and not dangerous or buy a new lantern which gives off good light and you can still enjoy the book you are reading.   Right now there is silence but that is the norm at four in the morning.   who in their right mind gets up at four a.m......I do.....wonder what that says about my mind.     Well some of us are early risers and our body clocks like that early morning quiet time and there is nothing that says you cannot hunker down in your easy chair, turn on the television and sleep through another hour.   Works great, try it, you may like it;.

Here at Ridgemont yesterday there was not a lot going on.    We usually find fault with the food but there was a no name dish of some kind of long noodles with hamburger and cheese that turned out to be very tasty.   The cold slaw is always tasty but the vegetables were a mixture of  left overs.   I'll say no more. . . smile.  

Vinnie and I  were having a good read when the ladies decided to use the table right next to us to play cards.   Here they have an entire room full of empty tables and they decide to sit right next to us.   It just didn't make sense.  I am sure they were not interested in what we are reading, maybe they wanted to hear some of the conversation when our visitors stop to find out how we are doing.    I closed the book and told Vinnie to meet me down in the activity room and we would continue.  It seemed rude to me.    We read in peace and quiet and are making headway.    Those nine hundred page books do take awhile.    Vinnie is already talking of  the sequel .   His eyes are better and he is reading a different book on his own but does not want to stop being read to.   He says it calms his restless soul.    Meanwhile Rose was having a bad day.  She does not like being one hundred years old when inside she wants to feel like a thirty year old.    She told me that she used to feel that way but since she has had her big birthday party she no longer feels young inside.   Her major problem is not having her daughter here to visit her.  She needs and wants family around  and feels depressed.   Watching her fade each day I can understand how difficult it is to try and stay moving as the body is wearing out faster.    I went down to her apartment and played Rummy cube , her favorite game, and brought the green tea and some fig bars along with me.   We had a tea party and a lot of laughs and soon she was as bright as a new penny.    Loneliness is a hard task master so if you have family and, or, friends that have reached a ripe old age, think of them and share a little of your time as it is the little dose of medicine that keeps them going.
Make yourself useful.   There are folks that need your attention.   Some are lost.   Some are lonely.  Some are desperate for a smile, a touch, a kind word or just someone to listen.    Just remember what goes around comes around.    All of you have big hearts, soothing voices, love and kindness to don't wait for 'a time' get busy and share YOU with those you love and like right now.    Be benevolent, kind, and above all share those hugs as they make someone feel alive.  Be good,, be kind, be generous with will dry up some tears and bring a smile to someone face and has more meaning that you can ever imagine.    Make it one of your good deeds today.   Hugs to all. 

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