Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stormy Weather

Winter . . .  Baby its cold outside.

All we want for Christmas is a ticket to a sunny beach.

Well that storm that was promised came in with a vengeance and the ride to Bremerton both going and coming was very wet roads with lots of water on them so it was not without a worry or two as some of the true idiot drivers are out there asking to be in an accident.  We saw one car, and I wish I had the license plate to turn him or her in, as the car was tailgating and trying to get between two cars where there was no way or no room.   He or She could have caused a horrific accident.   Lucky one driver made the right move and allowed the idiot driver to get passed but oh for a policeman to catch that idiot. 

My trip to the eye doctor was enlightening.    She is a lady who knows her stuff and her assistant is right there with her.   I had a procedure done to try and open the two tiny dots to make them a bit larger so the tear ducts would work a bit better....or should I say not work as well as I have what they call 'dry eye' but why and how is beyond me when you 'weep' all the time.  There was not guarantee that it would do the trick but it was worth the try.   I'll find out soon enough.  Right now I have a black eye from the injection.   Relatively painless and hopefully it works in my favor.  I am tired of a 'wet' face.

Chris and I stopped to have lunch and I had tortilla soup for the first time...oh my...don't hesitate, it is delicious.   We brought some home for Pat who is busy catching Christine's cold.    Hope it does the trick and the soup helps stop the cold in its tracks.    We had to go back over to Fred Meyers for the prescription, a tiny tube of medication to use on the eyes to avoid any inflammation....$59.00 should put a stop to anything.  that's outrageous.   About half the size of your little finger.   It better work!!!

When I got back to Ridgemont we found the lights were out due to the storm.  What happened I never found out but it was eerie here and we didn't get the lights back until sometime after midnight.  I woke up to find lights on and here at one thirty a.m. I am blogging.   It was a tale to tell with the lights out in this place.   Dark and for boarding and forbidding as the hallways seemed to get longer.    I understand it all started around lunch time so the elevators did not work and the workers had a tough time getting all the folks back to their apartments.    They had to use stairs and with walkers that doesn't bode well.    The majority of folks do not move around well and stairs are not something they use at all.    They managed to get everyone back safe and sound.   Evelyn came over with a tiny plastic lantern which would not stay on.   Must be a battery problem.    Christine brought me two of the candles run by batteries and they worked fine.  I had a nice little flash light that I used to try and read by and did okay.    My door was open as they had a lantern outside the hallway which shed a bit of light.   Marcus, our harmonica player, stopped in and played a tune.   Vinnie came down to check on me and borrowed a cough drop.    He has a cough, not a cold, so he says, but if he passes a cold around his name will be 'mud'.
I crawled under my covers by ten p.m; and tried to read a bit more but it wasn't worth it so I shut off the light and went to sleep.   Waking up just after midnight to lights one was a nice surprise and making contact with you is nice too, but it is only after one thirty so I am going to love you and leave you and go back to bed..
Hope your storms are light.  I hope you don't have a black out.   No cooking dinner as we have an electric stove, so no coffee or hot tea, no hot soup...but  a peanut butter sandwich and a hand full of grapes works wonders.    So prepare for your winter storms and make sure you buy a few of those candles and don't forget the extra batteries.    Get out the long johns and the flannel sheets.   Put out a few extra blankets and be ready for anything.    Think and sodas are available but it is not the ... be good, be kind, be generous, be wonderful just like you always are.    Make someone you like and love smile today.   Hugs to all.


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