Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Well, la ,la ,la , may not sound like words but they manage to fill in those artist words and in the right key.  If you could sit in our sing along you would know exactly what I mean.   

A little irreverent but some folks think nothing of taking your seconds and turning them in hours of 'poor me' nobody loves me account of I'm a me'. . . a little compassion is fine, a lot is dangerous as it makes the complainer stronger and you exhausted and weaker as they are not looking for answers but a shoulder to cry on.    If they wanted to end the problems , all they have to do is face them and make a firm decision as to how and what they really want in their lives. If they want an audience they should go on stage.

A lovely first snow in the Sierras.   Such lovely country.  Such fond memories .

A truism and a lovely poem to start our November off.

The heat kicked on this morning so it must be cold outside.   It is much to early to open the blinds.  Sit tight a minute, I am off to see if the coffee is ready.  I am.    I'll be back.

Okay, I'm back, took a bit longer than I thought as I had a bran and carrot muffin calling to me and it was one of those real tiny ones so I had to put on an English muffin  and wake up my taste buds.  Ah, coffee, magic in the early morning.   After ninety years it is wearing the kidneys out but it has been a delightful 'wake-up' for all that time.    There is something about a cup of coffee that gets the body and brain up and working for the day.  Hot and black and a two cup limit, well....maybe just a tad more,   black and strong, New England style or maybe it is just the way Pa made it that made it taste so good.   In those days an open pan did the trick, no fancy coffee pots.   Once in a while an egg was thrown in, shells and all, not sure what that was suppose to do but Pa's coffee was always so good with cream and sugar.  It wasn't until World War II that we had to learn to drink in black, and once you mastered that, there was no going back to sweetened coffee.   Of course, now a day, you can go to Starbuck and get a latte, not sure what a latte is but I know it cost pretty close to six dollars and that my pocketbook would never stand for.   If I wanted coffee flavored hot milk I'd find a way of making it at home....but hot and black is my style and it works, both eyes are open and I'm typing away....probably not making any sense but at five o'clock in the morning, I doubt anyone makes much sense.
What can I tell you about?  Not a lot of news from Ridgemont.  Vinnie showed so we had a good read. We can accomplish a lot when no one comes to visit.    When the visitors come they want to talk and visit before going back for their afternoon snooze, and that is fine but it does cut the reading time down.    Speaking of reading, see if you can find a copy of "A Walk in the woods" by Bill Brys.   It came out around 1998 and a movie was made with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte...good choices for the characters.  I'd like to see it..  The book is hilarious so far.  I find myself laughing out loud.  The author knows how to sweep you up and carry you away.
So today, be of good cheer.    A chill in the air so dress warmly.   Check on that snow shovel.  I still remember trying to sweep out the door way to the shed back up there in Nevada when we had a big snow storm and the shovel was out of reach.  A broom just does not do the job.
Take time to love someone today.    You have choices, so pick a time to share YOU with those you love and like.    Don't be afraid to give a hug or two, a kiss on the cheek, a light touch of your at the receiving end, and you sparkle. a fire cracker today, you don't have to wait until the fourth of July....sparkle, it's good for you.   Hugs to all..   

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