Friday, November 20, 2015

Water Over The Dam

And he meant every word

and he means every word.

Here at Ridgemont Marcus stopped by with apples and tangerines to say thank you for a loan of a blanket to keep him warm now that the weather has turned cold.     He is leaving today for upper state New York to visit his sons and will make a stop in mid country to visit two sisters.   He was once a railroad worker so gets to ride free, lucky duck, and being a veteran he gets an occasional flight out of the base here in Washington.    He made good career choices.  Meanwhile our   manager, Karen and her entire family are working hard to put on a Thanksgiving Dinner for all of us and our guests tonight;  seventy one last count.   We are all looking forward to a fun evening and I am sure some tasty treats.   

Meanwhile the power is back on although a little iffy as it goes on and off at will.   The TV was out most of yesterday.   It seems a horrific accident in a town close by was the cause of the black out.     Our weather has turned colder  so it is like waiting for the other shoe to drop to find out what the weather will be here in the Northwest.    So far some days remind me more of Brookings and our fog and sunless days, but then the sun will come out and heat things up and as the old adage says, 'if you don't like it , wait a minute.'      There is little we can do but enjoy whatever comes our way and make the best of it.

I must be pretty dumb as I do not understand the refugees fleeing their own country by the millions rather than stand and fight for their rights.    How does one gather in a huge mass and take off with the clothes on their back and drag their children along with the thousands of problems of traveling to somewhere.. but where?  When and where to they sleep;  get food;  take care of themselves for body care.    There has to be much  more to this than we know.   It reminds me of the thousands of children brought in here a year or so ago;  big news; many pictures; lots of rhetoric and then silence.   Millions have crossed our boarders illegally and it is as if nothing happened.  We see and feel the problems that have arisen  and we are already on our way to become a third world country.  I wonder at the size of the problems we now have and how are we to solve them.    It makes my little prayer of serenity come to focus in asking for courage and wisdom.

So today say a prayer for those folks and a few for ourselves.    Be good, be kind,, be gentle and be the best you can be.    Hugs to all. 
Snoqualmie Falls  after all the rain.  Can you hear the roar?

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