Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stress less

Isn't that the truth.   

Colorful love birds found a special spot to call home.   We have heard about blondes having more fun;  but, I bet these two wouldn't agree.    Red heads have a glow of their very own.

Wonder if thisis called a tiger lilly . . . sure is different...exotic....reminds me a little of the deep sea octopus, although a bit more colorful and more beautiful.

Winter in Alaska.  

Here it is Saturday morning, your weekend is here, now, what are you going to do with it?    Last night was Ladies Night here in Port Orchard and I would call it a huge success as the Gallery folks set a fantastic table with all kinds of snacks both salty and sweet, along with a glass of wine.  The artists showings were a wall of beautiful pencil or stencil art which was very well done.  Different and priced within reason.  I hope some of them sold.   The other showing was water colors , again, worth the trip up the hill to see them.    On the main street the shops were all open and each one had a special on their wares as well as a small token for stopping in.   I made several of the shops but the legs gave out and walking was not going to be my forte for the night, so back to the car and home.    There is one things about Port Orchard, the folks love it here and do participate.   They are open, friendly and do heed to advice as I told several how well done the gallery was and worth the trip uphill.   They must have listened as Christine said they had a lot of folks stop in and helped help empty the plates.   I am laughing at myself as my few words were not what sent them up the hill; it was the huge basket of very good chocolates that they couldn't resist.  
"Wilderness" by Louis L'Amour and photographs by David Muench. a must for your Christmas list of book lovers along with the poetry book I told you about by L'Amour.     Ron came down in his new electric cart and brought me a Louis L'Amour book and asked if I would like to read it.  I never turn down a L'Amour I have not read.   It is a special book he wrote about his travels across America over his many years and two hundred stories he had written about the country;.   In this one you will discover some facts we were never taught in school.  It is amazing how much we have not learned.  When they say you learn something new every day , it is no joke...we do learn something new every day.  The photographs are amazing.

Here at Ridgemont the city folks were to come and flush out the water pipes so we were banned from the laundry room  as one year when that happened someone had their laundry turn colors that they  should not have.   Friday being my laundry day and time, was shut off and believe it or not , they did not come and get it over with so now I suppose they will choose today or tomorrow and my basket sits waiting for attention. 

Vinnie was on tap to listen to "Winds of War' and we had Aggie join us yesterday and she sat with us and listened and said she would be back as she enjoyed what she was listening to.   We were at the part where the character was expounding on Roosevelt and his cleverness to read the American public and his lend lease act.    As I  said, we learn something new every day and in those growing up years we didn't pay attention to the details of what was going on world wide or within our own country, we were to busy growing up.   So believe it when you are told that you are never to old to learn something new.   Isn't it wonderful to find out we are never to old to learn something new about our history and geography.

So, take time out this winter and hunker down with some good reading, leave the romance alone, unless of course you have a little activity of your own.   Those historical novels have some mind boggling facts when written by an author who takes time to discover the 'real' stories .   Think winter, snowy days, ice cold winds, a fire in the fireplace, a cozy throw to cuddle in and a good book . . . ah! Something to look forward to.    Meanwhile, be good, be kind, be gentle and share a bit of YOU with those you love and like.    Hugs to all.

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