Thursday, October 8, 2015


Purple roses, don't see these very often.   Red, Pink, White, but purple. . . um . . . different and lovely.

Makes me think of 'when Irish eyes are smiling:   even if this little owl is not Irish it should be.  

A different, how special, a quiet place to knock on the door and ask to be the best you can be.

I wouldn't mind this on my table for Halloween . . . clever.

Hey, today is Jock's birthday. Happy birthday Jock, may you celebrate in style and enjoy every second today.    Wish we were there to help you celebrate so we could take you out for breakfast at our favorite spot and treat you to that big omelet that makes you smile.   We'll celebrate you again when you come this way.
We could have danced  in the rain yesterday as the clouds rolled in and opened up making puddles to jump in. . . well, I didn't but I thought about it.    I made mention, at lunch, that we were having a rainy day and was met with words of distaste for the wonders of nature.   Some folks just do not like rainy days.    If they would stop and think about it, rainy days slow you down so you can catch up with yourself.   It doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do, but gives you the opportunity to slow down and breathe.    There is something magical about bundling up and going for a walk in the rain.   Sloshing through puddles brings back a memory or two of being very young and alive.    About the only thing I can think of that matches that is the first snow and the delight of walking on the top of the drifts, sinking in, sliding down, and enjoying the gift of nature.    Of course, coming inside out of the storms and enjoying a hot shower, putting on the sweats and grabbing a good book to hunker down with is a blessing all its own.
So today, enjoy your weather.  There really is little you can do about changing it.    Be happy with whatever comes your way and say a little prayer in thanksgiving that Mother Nature knows when to call a halt to her tears.    It seems that the old timers used to tell us that thunder and lightening was just a big bowling game going on in heaven . . . nice thought. . . and it took the fear out of the huge storms.   The crackle of lightening is a wonder to see  and thunder made one shake a bit but the storms passed and the rainbows came out and all seemed right in our world.    Sort of a reminder of the ups and downs of life;  they pass like the storms and we survive to enjoy the sunshine of life.
Be good, be kind, be sweet . . . no, you are not a sissy for being sweet . . . you are thought to be very special and adored.  Not a bad way to present yourself to your world.    Go be sweet today.  Hugs to all.


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