Friday, October 30, 2015


A wooly that is something different.  There is a new find every day if you look around.   Never saw or heard of this fancy little beast.   Does fur make the bacon taste better?   I'll never know.

think about that...a truism

ha,ha, and you never know when bone loss starts, hopefully not first in your jaw.

Jennifer is showing her dahlias blooming in her yard despite the weather change up in Nevada.

An interesting reflection of the trees, quite beautiful.

I know, I know, it is Friday, all day, and almost the end of October, where did all those seconds go?    I am looking forward to the pot luck tonight and some real food.   I am thinking back over yesterday when I griped and groaned over my outing and not having a chance to shop in a store with a little bit of everything.    I mentioned in my blog that I  wanted to buy some inexpensive drapes for the winter months and in the spring I would put back the lovely sheers that are long and touch the heaters.   My beautiful , wonderful Sullivan niece immediately offered to go out and find just the right material and colors for my little space and make me special her special she is and how much I appreciate her loving and caring.    Just goes to show how important family can be.  I really hated to say no to such an offer but her hard work would be wasted  and the time short before the sheers go back up and are just perfect for this little studio.   I hope you are lucky to have a family member , or a few best friends in your life to make your world a much happier place.   I am blessed. 
It was quiet around here in Ridgemont yesterday.   The lunch bunch were happy to see a hamburger on the menu  along with some real tasty cold slaw.   They , the cooks, can do a good job when the mood hits them;  we'd like it to hit more often.  Industrial food seems to have mastered the trick of teaching us how to burp graciously and head for the alka seltzer.     Our pot luck tonight should prove to be healthier and a lot more delicious as the residents plot and plan to bring a few of their favorite dishes.   I am taking that marsh mellow salad that is a holiday favorite ...and I forgot the mandarin oranges.  I'll be right back, have to go Skype my daughter and ask her to pick some up for me.  Don't go away.   Okay, I just 'skyped' my daughter and hope she reads her message before she leaves for the store.  What is that old saying about 'losing ones head if it wasn't tied on'...well I am getting pretty good at it.
A festive weekend coming up, so, get  the store, list in hand, and pick up some treats and invite some folks in to celebrate  the ghosts and goblins big and small.    Have some fun and no tricks;  there are enough of them happening in our lives as it is.    Speaking of tricks, did you watch the debate?   Pay attention to those who are not afraid to speak up about things that are not as they should be.    We have a few brave souls willing to stand up and be counted and maybe they are the ones you should consider for your vote.    Okay, no politics...I'm  off to make my coffee and find something to go with it...i'd settle for a big juicy jelly donut but that is not going to happen.  Peanut-butter toast is always second best.   Try it with a little applesauce .   Go...have breakfast and take out that smile for today....get out there and make some folks glad they know you.   Give them something to smile about...a touch, a word, a big bear hug'd like one of the door to your heart and let some love come out.   Hugs to all.


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