Saturday, October 17, 2015

Salt Flats

Salt Flats in Bolivia

All salt flats
amazing hotel built out of salt.

Put them all together they spell failure

Now that is the results of an amazing 'clip' artist

Sacrilegious  Maybe it is time to think of a care package or two.

Waking up at two a.m. and putting the pictures on was one thing, getting the brain to pour out words was another so back to bed and a few more hours sleep and getting up late isn't at all bad.   Here it is almost seven a.m. . . . wow... I haven't gotten up that late for a very long time.   I marvel at folks who can sleep all night and get up anywhere from seven to ten.  My day would be ruined as I am used to that four a.m. body clock going off.   The new coffee pot works fine and I now have to learn how not to overload the spoonful.   It is a bit on the strong side today, real Boston coffee you can stand your spoon up in.  Taste good though, should rattle a few brain cells.
The monthly meeting was held up in the dining room yesterday afternoon.   Most everyone showed up and we got a lecture and information on the proper use of the elevators.   It seems those walkers play havoc with the sensors and throw the elevator into a tizzy and a repair man has to come out to fix some one small 'dealy bob' to make it go again.  No one has gotten stuck on one yet but our young leader doesn't want anyone stuck in the elevator.    It is really a case of 'haste makes waste' as it has something to do with pushing the button too often to try and make the elevator respond more quickly and all it does it make it work slower.   The walkers get the blame but it really is the one pushing the walker that needs to stop pushing the elevator button.  Today we will find out how many listened to this soft lecture and if they will put their hands in their pockets and not keep pushing the elevator button.    Like most things, it does take patience to wait, we can all equate to that.
There will be a couple of trips to the mall for pre Christmas shopping which will be fun as it will give us a few hours to poke around and look into some really big stores for a change.    We will be able to have several hours and not just one.  That will make it worthwhile as you cannot accomplish much in one hour....Well I like to look.  It seems strange to be talking about Christmas already.    The stores are actually putting things out right now and that is sad as we haven't even had a chance to celebrate the ghosts and goblins , or have a turkey dinner with family and friends.    Time flies by quickly enough without the merchants rushing the seasons.    Greed seems to go and grow so much faster than love for ones fellow man.    I wonder if I should send them our elevator repair man so they don't push so many buttons.
Have yourself a great weekend doing what you planned and waiting all week for.    You have things to do but do not be so busy you do not take time out to share YOU with those you love and like.    You have a duty to yourself and that is to make someone very special your goal for the day.    Plot and plan some one very tiny special sharing time and bring love and laughter into their lives today.    That is a good deed all in itself.    I shared in a good deed yesterday when three friends from Nevada got on the phone and shared their happy time with me.   We had much to laugh out loud about and I felt like I was one of the their special party, although I didn't get to have one of those special 'high-balls' they were drinking.   Next time they promised to tell me to have a drink ready and join the party;  um. . . that sounds like it might work.    So, be good, be kind, be generous with YOU.    Make your weekend sparkle as you light up your world with those smiling eyes  and those huggable arms.     Share, doesn't that have a nice ring to it?    Hugs to all.


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