Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Word or Two!

and we all know a couple or three that we could gift a glue stick to. 

and this attitude makes a woman stronger but scares the hell out of the men in their lives.

and we should get on this band wagon.   

Ha, ha,  I can relate to that.

Three little birds . . . sitting in a tree . . . a family . . . pretty special .

I would love to have some exciting words and thoughts to write about this morning but it is one of those weeks when the clouds have moved in and a few rain drops fall and it is quiet time.   We all need quiet time in our lives to relax and catch up with ourselves.    When you reach this age there are more of those kinds of days than not.    The mind says you can motivate  but the body doesn't agree.    The fifteen hundred pieces of puzzle is organized but trying to find the right  piece is a puzzle in itself.    Amazing how so many pieces fit but don't fit.    Is that what is called a corundum?   The few folks that walked in the door shook their heads and walked out again.  I think about five hundred pieces is their limit.   This puzzle is the story of a hurricane and it is a doozy, but a challenge and it will get done sooner or later, no hurry as I don't have any special dinner parties planned and eating from you lap is always easy and fun.    Speaking of eating, Vinnie brought Rose and I a piece of his birthday lemon pie.   He had hoped for a home made lemon pie but Rose just couldn't make it .  She is failing more every day and we are all hoping she will make it to Sunday when her daughter plans her birthday party early.    I just cannot imagine turning one hundred years old.   Rose was telling us she was gifted a trip to the casino with her daughter and her son -in-law and had a very strange experience of being extremely cold.   She said she had never experienced such cold , so the body must be shutting down slowly and our lovely Rose will be off to the Garden Gate where  she will bask in the warmth and sunshine of a new and hopefully better life.    Add her to your list of prayers tonight, please and thank you.
Now don't get all sad and worried about the old timers.  They are all of the same mind as far as I can tell.   It is right and proper to take one day at a time.   That's the way it is.  It starts in infancy and works up  to a ripe age...and that age can be anything from one to a hundred.    Your specialty is to live it one day as it comes, picking yourself up when you feel low;   paying attention to your true duties as a family member for it is in the giving that we find happiness within ourselves.   The give and take of is what makes our world go around.     Don't be sad for the one who is returning to peaceful solitude, be happy for them, and get busy doing a bit of living on your own .  Your duty is to live, laugh and be happy and make your seconds count for something.   There is an old adage about giving of yourself without expectation of 'pay-back' , but I cannot remember it at the moment. . . but it does mean that in giving you receive . . . and you do, a bonus you never expected.  So today look around and see who needs the light touch;  the hug, the kiss on the cheek or a smile from YOU.   Go, be benevolent, kind and make 'life' come alive for yourself and those you like and love.
I am off for a refill, put a piece or two in the puzzle and later I think I'll go down and visit Rose and play her favorite Rummy Cube game and have a cup of tea and a cookie.      There is more than one way to spend a rainy day.     Be good, be kind, be gentle and cheerful would help bring a little sunshine to your life today.    Hugs to all.


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