Tuesday, October 20, 2015


a new craze;  painting the bathroom floor.   Not sure I favor this, I'd be sea sick wading through the water.

And weather changes due to the huge el Niño, largest one in a long time and the prediction is not good for the coming winter months.  Some will get more rain and snow than they want and others will be wishing for some of that blustery weather.  Not much we can do but enjoy whatever we get and make the best of it.   Stay warm, stay dry, and don't forget to keep the shovel handing for the big storms. 

A truism

What a beauty.   A kingfisher.     What a beek, fancy colors...Joseph's Coat!!

Well, Monday went by in a hurry, or at least it seemed short.    I started off with daughter Patricia who kindly chauffeured me to the St. Vincent thrift shop so I could add a few books to my bookcase.   I was out of reading material and although there is a book box upstairs in a corner of the dining room, I don't like to have to have a library book I have to return in a certain time.   I like to devour books at my leisure.    So off I went and did some searching and came up with eight books I have not read.  Now I have enough to get me through the winter months and if I should get through them faster than I think, there are shelves of books waiting to be rescued.    I bought a couple to give to Ron who gifted me one of his Louis L'Amour books.    I tried to find some Westerns but they are far from easy to find.   
Vinnie showed up so we read for an hour and are more than half way through the book.    We stayed upstairs in the dining area as the "Silvertones" were coming to entertain us.    There is a group of seniors, four men, two women who play hymn music with a swing to it.  They are gifted musicians and we had books with the words so we could sing along.   It was toe tapping time although a lot don't tap their toes.   Music has a way of lifting spirits though as there was a lot of smiling faces..
I had saved some of my chicken curry and salad I had bought at Freddys.  If you have not tried it , go to the deli counter and check it out as it is delicious.    it is a bit pricey at $6.95 a pound, but a half pound lasts three days.    I think I'll try a few more of their salads as the package ones don't last long at all and the fresh ingredients are too much as they don't last more than a day and have to be thrown away. . . such a waste.    I have the best of both worlds as both of my daughters are great cooks and salad makers so all I have to do is bring home left overs.    There is some good in getting old feeble....just don't tell them I still find my way around the kitchen. 

My phone rang the other afternoon and on the end of the line were these three ladies.....Kathy, Helen, Judy....celebrating Judy's visit from Colorado and having a bit of the bubbly and decided I should join the fun...well if wishes were horses beggars would ride and I would have been there holding up my glass as well.    It was a fun call and we laughed a lot.   Helen and I go back some forty years.  A friendship that lasts even though we didn't see each other for years at a time.  One of those friendships that you pick up as if you had been together the day before.    A special friendship I have been lucky to have over the years.   Helen is in the middle, daughter Kathy to her right, and her niece Judy on her left.    Kathy has three children and five grandchildren making Helen a great grandmother who is lucky to have these children close by and stopping in to give her hugs most every day.   Judy lives in Colorado and is a new grandmother.  I post about her frequently and you have seen pictures of  the new babies.   The computer makes it possible to share;  how lucky we are.
So today share YOU with those you love and like.    Take some pictures along the way and share them with those who are waiting patiently of news of you and yours.    The brag book is a good thing as it keeps us apprised of the  changes  of the people in  our lives even though we do not get to see them everyday.    Folks we love and care about whether family or adopted family or adopted forever friends.    How lucky we are to have them in our lives.  don't be afraid to tell them.   If you are lucky it is a two way street.    So verbal hugs today.   If you can, get a real one.    Walk right up, open up those arms and smile...works every time.   Go be a God-Send today.  Hugs to all.

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