Wednesday, December 3, 2014

OH Yeah!

EMMA . . . Isn't she beautiful . . . look at those eyes,  Smiling eyes.  She is so loving and  very intelligent.   She really is a people person  as she dotes on attention .   She loves it when Erin is home and plays with her.   When she leaves, Emma goes into a day or two of depression.   She loves to be loved and she loves to bring you a toy or two so  you will spend time with her.       
An attachment came in  yesterday with some of the older folks having a word or two about age.   Retirement sounds good until you get there and then you find  you are busier than when you went off to work every day.    

If you continue to use y our muscles they continue to do their job . . . well that may work for those who have been active and disciplined all their lives but the majority of  us were not professional dancers and  most of us find that you can get down but you do not 'spring' up.

It looks like he has found the fountain of youth.   Well, we are told red wine is good for the body and sometimes for the soul.

We start to get old the day we are born, a continuing second by second event and one that we do not even think about until mid life when we realize that old adage. . . 'if I had known I was going to live this long , I would have taken better care of my self.'  So think about that no matter what age  you are and decide that you will  use your seconds wisely  and exercise, eat  what is good for the body .   the combination is what keeps the body alive and alert.   I once had an old Irish doctor tell me some sixty years ago, you do not give up fat, sugar and starch, as the body needs it all.  It is the portions that count.  We just never listen as we go back for seconds and thirds.    Live and learn . . . today is a good starting day especially during the holiday season when temptations are at their very best .

So grow old gracefully one second at a time.   I took a walk out  yesterday and  covered a good quite a few city blocks to the Post Office.   There was one clerk on duty, another came out of the back room to say he was going to lunch . . . wouldn't you think he'd see a line of people and take time to relieve the other clerk and  help  the customers.    No good deed from that clown.    The young lady did very well, she just continued to wait on us one by one and managed to keep her cool and sense of humor.   The walker works well and I got to sit while waiting in line.   I went on to  have my hair cut by Gina, the lady barber, who was having a very hard time of it .   The new bar opened next  door to  the parking lo t which is for the customers who come to the barbershop , the dentist and a few more spots.   The men are driving into the lot and taking up customer space and she cannot get her landlord to put up signs.  It is a towing office according to the police.   It looks like a never ending problem for those that pay the rent for their place and the parking areas.  The bar is new with no parking area in the back, but there is some parking out in the front area, just not a lot.  The patrons will have to  park on the street.    It should have an interesting  resolution. . . or will it?   I suggested big print 'towing' signs; that should do it.   Wonder what it costs to recover a tow. . . a few folks may soon find out.

Be good, be kind, be gentle as you go about your day today.    Find reasons to smile and pass the smile on.  Hugs to all.

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