Monday, June 29, 2015

Sunday Morning.

Memories of Monday washday for years, and years and years....

A smart and a novel idea to follow.....think about that!!

Now here is a beach I'd like to find and take a walk along.  What colorful rocks to make a welcome pathway to your front door.

Sad, but true.....

Hey there, Christine, how about this for a hedge around your front walkways.   I bet you would love it. 
Good Sunday morning.  I'm late this morning, was off grocery shopping at Fred Meyers store here in Port Orchard.  Daughter Pat and I got a very early start and I got my exercise in walking this huge store, aisle, by aisle, by aisle.    I found a few specials to store in the refrigerator.  Blueberries are still on sale and very big and sweet.   The asparagus looked very good so I bought some to add to our dinner tonight.   Did I get everything on my mental list?   NO!!!  Do I ever?   NO!!!!    The brain still works, the legs get a work out, the shelves are filled with tasty treats and the basket gets filled up list or no list.   So think about that. . . I forgot to, I can go back another time, after all who needs ice cream sandwiches ?  I do!!!   I see the "It's It" are back;  remember that San Francisco ice cream round of oatmeal cookie with vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate????  I do  .   and they are back.  So next week I'll make my list and put them on top.  Not sure how many in a box so I'd better buy two, don't want to run out before the week is over.

So today, be good, be kind, be loving.  Don't let the weather get you down.  Weather is not always the way we like it but it is all we have and we have to put up with what we get.    Me, I'd like less heat, more rain, a bit of fog, a break and a bit of sunshine preferably shared with family and friends.    I made a new friend today, a gentleman who visits my neighbor across the hall. . . Gwen, probably close to one hundred, very crippled and very slow.   He has been a friend for many years when he and Gwen's husband met in Nam and they promised each other who ever made it back would keep an eye on the other ones spouse .   True to his word he comes every Sunday morning and walks Gwen up the long hall and back.   Today, my door was open so he stopped and said hello and I found out he is a retired teacher and takes time to help a few folks who find it hard to help themselves.   A good man to know.   A good man to be admired.  So take a look at yourself and think about what you can do to make some one persons life a little brighter, a little easier and the feel of a loving touch.  YOU can do it. . . just put a smile on your face and reach out with that big heart of yours.    Someone needs a hug today.    Hugs to all.   

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